Posted at 2013-12-28 23:57:14 — Link
Just like the title says. Do you have a pet or pets you're particually proud of here on BK? It doesn't have to be anything special, it could be.....
Your first pet.
A certain color you've been looking for.
Overly inbred pet that's so bad it deserves a place in the spotlight.
A pet caught in the wild with horrendous/amazing stats.
Maybe a pet with a certain gene combo.
You've first Lv. 50 pet.
First genetic powered pet.
I have a few pets myself I'm pround of even if some may not seem special to others.
First up is my first pet ever Karzarill simply because he was the first one ever.
Second is Raviente for being one of the best pets I've picked up from the pound.
Third is Blaze for being the first Fire Breath dragon in my stables that didn't have any negative genes in her genepool.
And last but not least Talon my frist Griffin and also the Griffin that made me like Griffins.