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  • Liis
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Posted at 2017-06-01 18:30:48 — Link

arete (#15328) wrote:

Look under Help -> List of Recipes to see what you can craft and why you need it. Most of the items are required for buildings.

To craft, go to Craft and Construction under Manor. In order to have craftable items, golems and recipes in your Craft and Constructions tab you will need schemes and blueprints. Click on the blueprint in your inventory then select Use  from its dropdown box.massive damage)

The Help list is not realy usefull, for example, it lists as discription for an astrolab: 'An instrument to locate and predict positions of planets and stars'  and for bandages: 'A piece of cotton getting soaked with iodine' that tell me nothing.

Secondly, you can't look if an Item is usefull for you if you need to clean warehouse without scrolling throu every singel recepie in a very long list. 

Sorry but I quitt, if thats it.

arete (#15328) wrote:

Gene combos off the top of my head:

Counterstrike: Quickmind and Agile Paws: your pet can dodge attacks and counterattack, giving you two attack opportunities in a single turn.

Fire Breath: Fire gland and Spitting Muscle: Your dragon has Fire attack. When combined with Napalm gland you can set your opponent on fire.

Acid Spit: Acid gland and Spitting muscle: Your cockatrice has Acid attack.

Lightning Strike: Steel beak and Electrick gland: Your roc can call Lightning.

(These elemental attacks are extremely powerful and cause massive damage)

Thank you, were can I check if it's realy all?

  • arete
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Posted at 2017-06-01 20:18:18 — Link

If you look under the List of Recipes, the buildings are listed first. Most buildings are simple and only require common materials like stone, wood, clay, ore etc.

The higher-level buildings need items like the Pendant, the Ruby Ring, the Statue, the Carpet, Test Tubes, Telescopes, etc. Then go towards the end of the List of Recipes to see what they require. The List of Recipes (under the Help tab) is meant to be a quick reference, just remember Buildings at the top, Items at the bottom.

Bandages are a special case. While you're in Explore, if you lose a fight with a monster and therefore lose an energy point, clicking on your little Bandage icon gives you that energy point back. You use one bandage and can only use this once per map.

Don't bother with the item descriptions, they're just filler. So for example you want to build an astrologist Level 1. You see from looking at the Recipe that you need an Astrolabe. You get the recipe for the Astrolabe (usually they're easy to find and cheap on the Item Trades) and you need certain materials. Once you've built the Astrolabe you can build the astrologist. (Really it should be Astronomer. Astrologists don't use scientific instruments, even ones from the Age of Sail...xD )

A good way to clean your warehouse is to Use recipes that you don't have many of. Then they're in your crafting library and can't be lost or destroyed.

I can't think of any more gene combos. I looked in the List of Genes and couldn't find any more.

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  • arete
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Posted at 2020-01-07 18:06:21 — Link

Could a magical wise person please please create a guide to finding apparel crafting items? Where do I get zinc, for example, or living wood?

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  • Nightswan
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Posted at 2020-01-07 21:19:08 — Link

I... may try and do that once I craft a laboratory (lvl 3). But I can get started on some of the monster drops

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  • sasha_the_queen
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Posted at 2022-04-10 05:57:58 — Link

a levelling guide

  • SquishCat
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Posted at 2022-11-19 05:26:06 — Link

A guide on tactics/manouvers and what they do. I don't know if I just need to go to bed or what, but I can't seem to wrap my head around what exactly the big deal about Hold The Line is, or any of the other tactics past the basic attack ones. If a guide like this already exists I haven't been able to find it so if anyone knows of one pls pm me lol

Looking for stable (lvl 5) blueprint and wood! All pets in Pound and SPSB tabs free to anyone who wants them.

I do not recieve notifications from forum posts! Pls dm me for anything important or time sensitive :)

  • Nightswan
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Posted at 2022-11-20 03:32:37 — Link

The game has a guide itself. It's the Tactics FAQ (under the 'Help' tab) which tells you every single maneuver, how the Battlefield works, and items you can use/get on the Battlefield.

"Violence for violence is the rule of beasts." -obama in some guy's dream




  • arete
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Posted at 2022-11-20 18:27:47 — Link

I've made a battlefield guide to go with the Tactics FAQ but we do really need an advanced one. I'm retired from the battlefield these days as I have all the top level buildings.

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