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  • BlackVulpix
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Posted at 2013-03-03 12:56:27 — Link


He is now done and ready to submit~ He looks much better on a colored background though xD It's easier to see the smaller details.

  • Rien
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Posted at 2013-03-03 13:11:26 — Link

That looks awesome!

Twitter: WilsonQueli

Amazon Author: Wilson Queli

Facebook: Wilson Queli

  • Imitatia
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Posted at 2013-03-04 10:32:29 — Link

Wow! That's amazing!

Hey everyone!

  • Geinkotsu
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Posted at 2013-03-07 22:10:10 — Link

Just made this guy and am waiting for it to get approved.
This is my f
irst skin, I intend to draw custom ones in the future, but I was just curious about designing on the given lines.

Overall, I really love how the design came out! <3

  • Lassie
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Posted at 2013-03-08 00:35:58 — Link

Whew! First time in a good while I've drawn something for myself, let alone painted it! Of course, it looks much better on a dark background, but alas!

(personal skin, btw--I may do public ones in the future to finance the Rainbow Jar I'll need to use this one once I obtain a Unicorn I want to use it on.)


  • RedRarebit
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Posted at 2013-03-08 01:11:12 — Link

Just submitted this guy 8D Thanks to that tutorial, I finally figured out where I was going wrong! 

Coffee Creme Unicorn

Gonna finish up those commisiony ones tomorrow morning/afternoon, but they'll be done by then hopefully.

* Winter is coming *

  • Fya
  • Nɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇs Sʟᴀʏᴇʀ
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Posted at 2013-03-08 17:25:26 — Link

Aww, both of yours designs are lovely. Although, Lassie, there's a white bar under the pet, it won't be accepted.


10.14.2013 ~ 02.13.2014

I love you more than the world, from the beginning to the end that'll never come.

  • Lassie
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Posted at 2013-03-09 02:24:52 — Link

Ah, that was the forum post's coding--I accidentally highlighted the image, I think? XD It looks fine on the "My Custom Skins" page.


  • Cornishninja
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Posted at 2013-03-09 12:53:33 — Link

I've done a few skins now, but I'll just post the two most recent, as they're the ones I'm most pleased with.

Mythic Tabby Puma. (Accepted)
Starting to get into actually trying to make markings that work well now ^_^ I'm very pleased with this one.

Completed this morning, the mythic leopard puma. (Awaiting accept)
Quite pleased with this guy :3 I'm going to use this one myself. 
I'm thinking of making a whole marking series with this 'mythic' colouring. 

Also exaggerated the lineart a bit, to see how that works... haven't decided yet how pleased I am with the effect. ^_^

  • Mouse
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Posted at 2013-03-09 15:40:46 — Link

Those pumas are gorgeous! I love the sunset-y colors.

I call Vermillion "Vermi"

I occasionally use an IPad- please excuse spellcheck.

  • Westly
  • Posts: 55

Posted at 2013-03-11 04:01:31 — Link

I'm so excited that I have a custom skin now! 


It's for Perry, my first critter here, my first custom skin, my first everything!




I'm so happy with him!


My Webcomic!

  • Fya
  • Nɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇs Sʟᴀʏᴇʀ
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Posted at 2013-03-13 14:54:54 — Link

Congrat's! He's such a lovely skined pet <3


10.14.2013 ~ 02.13.2014

I love you more than the world, from the beginning to the end that'll never come.

  • Sif
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Posted at 2013-03-13 17:38:34 — Link

I got two puma skins approved today! :D




Blue Spotted:






  • Fya
  • Nɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇs Sʟᴀʏᴇʀ
  • Posts: 712

Posted at 2013-03-13 21:09:23 — Link



10.14.2013 ~ 02.13.2014

I love you more than the world, from the beginning to the end that'll never come.

  • Shadow
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Posted at 2013-03-14 09:12:40 — Link


Shadow Walker Gryphon x3

I'm not the best at realistic stuff, but I think I can make some creepy tim burton-esque stuff...

(Dusk now has this skin!)


I also made this version:


Wanted to try making something look like a sketch (Since the original concept was a sketch on a pad of paper).... I don't like how it turned out, though...  I like my usual shading style x.x  If people are interested, I might make the second version available...

Hello there! My name is Shadow, and I specialize in the collecting and breeding of gryphons. If you'd like to breed with one of my males, or purchase any of my non-gryphons, just shoot me a message!

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