Posted at 2013-08-23 16:29:06 — Link
Hello there! I've been a very active user since I joined the site, I felt in love with it, how the genetics affect the battle skills, the different colours for all seemed to be a very challenging site.
However, after a few months of playing it, it started to feel a little monotonous. I mean, all I have to do every day is to put all my pets up for auto battles to train them, maybe explore a little, try to catch wild pets and so.... Once they are trained, I start to look for amtes for them (In my opinion, the best part of the game, to try to make the best couple to achieve genetics improvements) but to do so it takes several days for each pet. I know the game is planned to be for users to play no more than 1 hour a day, the problem is that if you play 1 hours a day to do all the time the same things, soon or late it gets boring.
Also, the last event of the site was two months ago...Maybe having more contests as the golem's one and more updated, new things to try and explore, would make a big difference. I understand if the developer is too busy, but I feel the game is being moving too slow. Or changing some things, once you changed the exploration from taking 2HP to taking 5HP I expendind hours and hours exploring trying to get used to this new system.
Don't take me wrong, I love this game, take it as an advise to make it more attaching to users :)
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I'm always buying Geneticist Invite