Boards < Bugs & Suggestions < Refused, Irrelevant or Already Existing Features < Combat tweaks


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  • Calib
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  • Posts: 47

Posted at 2013-06-17 02:15:30 — Link

I think combat, especially multiplayer, needs some tweaking.

1) Count Genetic Power as part of Levels when calculating XP

Genetic power gives a pet stats that normally would appear on a higher level pet. As a consequince, XP (at least from two-player fights) should be calculated as if the pet with Genetic Power is higher level.

Think about it: How much are they actually learning when the fight is too easy? Not very much!

EX: Pet 1 (level 15, no genetic power), Pet 2 (level 15, Genetic Power 3)

  • Pet 1 wins: Gets XP as if they defeated a level 18(?) pet.
  • Pet 2 wins: Gets XP as if they defeated a level 12(?) pet.

This will make multiplayer fights more fair by encouraging players to seek out actual challenges instead of forever curb-stomping wild caught pets with their Genetic Power 3 Decendant of Heros with Regeneration.


2) Mark "Hero" and "Decendant of Hero" and calculate them in

Same reasons as #1. Heros might even flat out refuse to fight pets with no genetic power due to an honor code. This will, again, encourage fair fights!

3) Regeneration should be 10% or less or give an XP boost for defeating!

Regeneration is too powerful right now. When your pet deals 20-30 damage and the opponent heals 10-15 Your attack has been cut in half. That's like taking on a pet twice your level!

Either regeneration needs to be scaled down or you should get a 50% XP boost for defeating a pet with regeneration as it's the equivalent of defeating a much higher level pet. Regeneration will still be useful. It's the only way to heal in-battle. Even at 5% it would be a major advantage! It's just too powerful right now. You shouldn't have to rely on critical hits and prayers to be able to defeat a pet the same level and genetic power as yours.


4) Losing at Multiplayer battle should give a little XP if your pet was the defender.

The defender in this case is the pet that is sitting on the battle page waiting for a challenge. Right now leaving a pet up there is asking for one of those gen power 3 regernators to curb stomp you. At least you should get something for when they do.... even if just a token amount. This only applies for two-player battles, not exploring.

If this already happens and I haven't noticed, please ignore this one.

5) Have a five minute timeout when waiting on manual battles

The same person has had a battle up for days now. I have tried to enter battle with her and waited an hour... nothing happened. To prevent things like this, it should be made so that you have to be active at least once every five minutes (refreshing the page or whatever) on BeastKeeper or your pet is removed from manual battle. This would encourage more manual battles as players will know the person is online and ready to fight!

-----------The End Result of all these Tweaks?-----------

Imagine, if you will, a world where you can leave wild caught pets up for battles and actually win with them. A world where genetic power 3 pets with regneration mostly fight other pets with similar insane genetics and regular "I just want to level" pets can just level without paying through the nose at the riding hall.

This is a place where if you dare to challenge a pet that's the equivalent of a much higher level than yours, your pet will learn more. If a bully picks on a  weaklling they learn less than from a fair fight and heroes behave heroically by seeking fair fights only.

And when you lose? It wasn't a 100% loss! Your pet still got a little wiser. Everyone goes home happy.

It can happen. :)

  • Timain
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Posted at 2013-06-17 18:26:55 — Link

1 and 2 confuse me.. Descendant of Heroes in 1/2/3 generations is only another term for GP1/2/3.. So 1 and 2 seem pretty much the same thing? 

My thoughts were actually that they should only let GP1 battle with other GP1 pets, GP2 with GP2 etc.. Or at least show that a pet is GPX when you hover over the name, so you don't have to actually click each pet until you figure out what it is and if your wild caught has even the remotest chance of beating them.. 

4) Absolutely! I'm trying to level a wildling right now. When I'm online, there are no pets for her to challenge (except possibly GP1 or 2.. yeah right), so I put her on autobattle. Well, she hasn't won a single one yet. This means the only way for me to level her is with the Riding Hall or exploring. If she got at least a tiny bit of exp every time she's defeated that would help a LOT! Makes sense too, no? I mean, the pet would still learn something from the fight, even if it lost - how to better defend or attack for next time, rght? So why not show that with a token exp amount?

5) This is a great idea! I'm guessing you've run into the same person as I have (it's pretty much the only one I ever see on manual) - if you click on this player, you will see that she hasn't even been online in 3 months! I was actually going to suggest that pets whose owners haven't been online in a while are removed automatically from the battle list, but your suggestion is much better than that! =)


  • Calib
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  • Posts: 47

Posted at 2013-06-21 22:10:53 — Link

@Timain: I'm confused, too. If 1 and 2 are the same thing due to a translation error, then just lump them together. XD It needs to be noted anyway!

Oooh! A hover-over or a color gading system on names would be wonderful! I also wish your pet's level was displayed at all times as well. It would make life simpler if you could glance and be reminded you're training the level 11 nameless, not the level 7 nameless.

Yes, I know your pain on #4. I'm stuck in the 30's with a decent wild pet (no reds) but can't get anywhere fast due to the fact only GP pets are in the arena and she never wins when left to wait for challenges. The lower level pets aren't much better off.

Yeah, we probably all know the same person for #5. :) I have tried manual a few times and nobody ever bit because they thought I was inactive like she was! It made me a little sad. I was hoping this might scare up a fair fight... I guess not. It really needs to be easier to have a fair fight.

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2014-01-29 15:31:29 — Link

GP itself doesn't tell anything about actual battle power of the pet. It's easy to breed a pet with Degeneration and no GP that will beat most of the carelessly bred GP pets.

As for the genetics XP boost, it would be quite unbalanced if weak pets and losers will have the same speed of levelling with carefully bred strong ones.

What's the reason then to breed a good pet if everyone get the same prizes? Or think of the real-life examples: when a computer nerd meets a muscleman, he won't get anything from the fight except broken nose and a strong belief that he should avoid such fights in future.

Manual battle applications are resetted once a day, no stuckers there anymore.

A person who sends a manual battle application always gets an instant notifcation with a direct link when someone has agreed for the manual battle, so there are no cases when they might think that the other side is inactive like you're saying. I think that this person was just cunning a bit when explained why she didn't reply to your challenge.

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