Posted at 2013-06-16 23:33:32 — Link

So at some point I decided to combine all my Roc lines and ended up pretty much covering everything to the point that I might as well get rid of all normal genes too. Now these birds have relations to nearly every Roc that has come into contact with my account, good and bad. I also haven't had wild blood in awhile so these pedigrees are gigantic.

This thread is partially to help me to keep track of my bests, partially to let others know how this project is going, and partially to show off these insane birds :P

For me, Normal = Anything other than these genes:
(1) Steel Beak, Music Beak
(2) Acute Eye
(3) Quickmind
(4) Massive Wings, Spurs
(5) Steel Bones
(6) Steel Muscles
(7) Electric Gland
(8) Sharp Feather.

N = Nightfall line
R = Rusher (MusicBeak / MassiveWing / SharpFeather Dominants)
L = Lightning striker
Numbers indicate double normals in the category.

Perfect Rocs (No normals): Turbulence (GP2)

Two normals: Herald (N), Shalash (GP2, N), Ishar (GP2)

Three normals: Trion (GP2, N, R), Thrice (GP2, N), San (GP2, N)

Four normals: Morpheus (Thor, 2), Ikelos (N), Phobetor (N,3), Bolt (N,8,L), Epiales (GP2,Levant, 2,7), Mythos (GP2, N,Levant)

Five normals: Marin (GP2,N,R), Levant (2,7,R), Accel (N,3), Invoker (N,3,L), Dusk (N,7), Erebus (N), Magpie (N), Sentinel (2), ArcRaptor (N,L), Aquafina (N), Spurious (N), Kira (7), Clarity, ...and lots more.

Other GP2s: Janna (R, 6Norm), Howl (8Norm), Naginata (8Norm), Lark (7Norm)

Will update this at some point to focus on my 3 or less normal gened birds.

And feel free to post pets with giant pedigrees - Those are fun to look at :P

Updated: 7/31

Rocs: Garuda: Wing and Strike
Cockatrices: Hydralisk
Throdamas: Swarm

Lykos: Fenrir
Symurghs: Primavera
Dragons: Python


Recent progress: Project Perfect