Posted at 2013-06-08 03:19:55 — Link
I tried checking to see what new quests I have for the day but when I click on the tab, it's empty. Not even the header image is there. I tried clearing my cache and doing a hard refresh of the page, but nothing changed. Is it just me, and if so, any ideas on how to fix this? >,< Thanks very much for any help! <333
Looking for Foundation Unicorns with no red stats.
Yes, I have a sale section. Take a look at my "Take Them Home" tab to see what I've currently got for sale. All pets, regardless of how many red stats, 1k minimum. All pets unresearched with no red stats 1.5K, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Fully researched 3.5k, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Prices above set minimums negotiable.
I have many, many suggestions, and I'd love your feedback on them! Click HERE to check them out, and please comment. Thanks! Current number of suggestions in the thread: 10.