Boards < Bugs & Suggestions < Suggestions < Approved, Pending, and Denied stickies please


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  • MishaBaby
  • User
  • Posts: 44

Posted at 2013-05-13 10:42:58 — Link

The board is up to a very healthy 12 pages now, with a chaotic mish-mash of threads that are still valid, have already been approved/implemented, and many that appear to be stuck in some sort of limbo. Could we please have some organization here? Ideally, there should be a board for suggestions that are approved while they await implementation, a board for approved suggestions that are currently being worked on and integrated into the game, and a board for suggestions that have been denied. I know that the entire team here has been working tirelessly just to get bugs ironed out and ensure everything is operated as intended so this would be another headache added onto the pile, but I promise you, we're only trying to help, and getting all of these threads sorted out would help us help you - or least, help us feel like we're helping. XD Plus, if a suggestion is denied and an explanation given as to why, it will ensure that the same exact thing is not suggested again. Ya know? ^.^ I apologize if any of this is ramble-y, I'm quite tired at the moment. One more post and it's off to bed for this lady. XD Thanks for reading, have a great day! ^.^

Looking for Foundation Unicorns with no red stats.
Yes, I have a sale section. Take a look at my "Take Them Home" tab to see what I've currently got for sale. All pets, regardless of how many red stats, 1k minimum. All pets unresearched with no red stats 1.5K, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Fully researched 3.5k, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Prices above set minimums negotiable.
I have many, many suggestions, and I'd love your feedback on them! Click   HERE    to check them out, and please comment. Thanks! Current number of suggestions in the thread: 10.

  • bluestar20337
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  • Posts: 146

Posted at 2013-05-13 20:45:22 — Link


  • Nightingale
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 2,929

Posted at 2013-05-14 20:26:53 — Link

yespleasesupport! It would be very nice if the boards could be moved to respective subboards, or the heading could be altered to show status or even just a list of things...


Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • MishaBaby
  • User
  • Posts: 44

Posted at 2013-05-16 06:36:44 — Link

I read recently that we do not have sub-forum capability yet, so perhaps we could have stickies instead? I am sure there is someone here who is willing to go through these topics and post what has already been suggested (myself included), then it would just be a matter of editing the post when yall decide on the fate of those suggestions.

Looking for Foundation Unicorns with no red stats.
Yes, I have a sale section. Take a look at my "Take Them Home" tab to see what I've currently got for sale. All pets, regardless of how many red stats, 1k minimum. All pets unresearched with no red stats 1.5K, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Fully researched 3.5k, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Prices above set minimums negotiable.
I have many, many suggestions, and I'd love your feedback on them! Click   HERE    to check them out, and please comment. Thanks! Current number of suggestions in the thread: 10.

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