Boards < Bugs & Suggestions < Suggestions < Only an Idea: Portal Limit linked to Stable Size


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  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2013-05-11 04:55:08 — Link

So yeah... I'm not sure what to think about this suggestion myself but wanted some feedback... the title is fairly self-explanatory.

The base limit for the portal would remain 20. And with each new level maybe it could increase by 5 or so? Maybe 10?

I think this may be a way to help those with more pets who explore a lot...

I don't know.. what do people think? It's just an idea floating around in my head. Not sure if I like it yet or not.



Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • MishaBaby
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Posted at 2013-05-11 05:55:52 — Link

I would love the ability to "upgrade" our portals! Either having it tied to the size of our Stable, or perhaps we could get blueprints to increase the memory capacity? Either way, I support this idea. =)

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I have many, many suggestions, and I'd love your feedback on them! Click   HERE    to check them out, and please comment. Thanks! Current number of suggestions in the thread: 10.

  • Sunset
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Posted at 2013-05-11 07:54:12 — Link

I love how this is basically a replication of the suggestion I posted yesterday, just twitsed, lol

No support.

Increasing how many portals can be held is completely useless for those people who are active. All that would be done if more portals could be held is allow people to stay away from the game more often with less "loss" of explores.

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2013-05-12 04:52:20 — Link

Sorry! I did not read your post.... I did not "twist" things, I just had not read it. Sorry....

The idea from this actually came from Heroes of Might and Magic... There are upgrades for certain dwellings that have perks, and I thought that as a bonus to stable, or stand alone upgrade on the portal would be useful

I'm not sure how this is useless for active people? I am realizing that as my pets are increasing it could benefit to have more explores... even if its 1-5 per stable level.

I do not really think it means "loss" if you aren't using them- since you don't pay for them, and there is no cost or remediation for "loosing" explores. It would basically just not matter to the people who don't use them. But for those who do it has benefits.

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Sunset
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Posted at 2013-05-12 07:38:34 — Link

? That wasn't an accusation, it was comment with a hint of humor...

You don't seem to understand. For someone that is active, this is not useful at all. There are no extra explores, at all. The islands would still come up one per hour, so it would be exactly the same as it is now unless you don't do anything every other day.

For example, let's say that you explore until you have no explores left, then come back in ten hours to explore some more. You have ten explores. That's it. No extra. Come back in twenty-five hours, using this idea, you'd have twenty-five explores. All your idea would do is add to the waiting game or be useless.

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2013-05-14 20:21:09 — Link

I didn't think it was. Sorry, It's hard to convey feelings in text o.0.

This is why it's only an idea... for feedback

I see what you are saying now... And I see the flaw.

Perhaps it would lessen the time that it takes for your portal to scan for islands/regenerate?... This would make more sense.

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Sunset
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Posted at 2013-05-14 22:03:38 — Link

That is why the world of text has things such as "lol" and smilies. They convey emotion. In the case you do not know what "lol" means, it stands for "laugh out loud" or "lots of laughs" and is used in high spirits or to show humor.


Yes, lessening the time it takes to find more islands makes more sense. Which is why it's listed as one of the food shortage solutions in my own suggestion thread.

  • MollyOKami
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Posted at 2013-05-23 03:13:39 — Link

Maybe not based on stable size, but perhaps they could base it on the number of pets.  After you reach a certain number of pets, then the number of islands that you could visit wold increase.


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