Posted at 2013-04-14 06:58:52 — Link
I got a level 2 stable with help from another player, I looked at what I needed to upgrade again & immediately started working on it, I have everything but the correct pet even though I've bred between 6 and 10, maybe more, pets trying to get a pet with construction stats, there are no pets for sale with the needed stats & I've checked almost daily for 1. So how about make a construction firm of say white unicorns, I'm not sure if any buildables are species specific or not but have pets of the needed species/stats in the most common colors or have them be non-breedable & maybe put a time limit of 6 hours on their rental or something, or have the renter fill out a simple form on how long they need the pet & how many buildings they want to use it for. I know as soon as I get back up to 10,000 coins I'm going to want to build my stable & get on to the next level. Since I can't breed 1 or buy 1 I'm going to have to try to set up a temp trade & borrow a pet with the needed stats to be returned in slightly over 4 hours.