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  • Timain
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  • Posts: 723

Posted at 2013-04-11 21:13:41 — Link

I mentioned this in the last update thread already, but since that was closed down anyway, here it is again.

I fully understand the need to cap resources. I also understand that explore is only supposed to be a secondary leveling mode. However, as battling is right now, it is not too well loved from what I gather. So, what I suggest is to let people keep exploring, but that they can't get resources from those explores. 

It would be possible to find monsters to fight and buildings (possibly only a certain amount of them, say none where you would be able to buy schematics or items for example), but no resources whatsoever. No money, no food, no building materials. This would make explore only interesting to those, who want to level their pets that way, but not harm the economy. 

The way I imagine would be that the State Portal would give you access to additional islands with resources, as it does right now, but if you wanted to go explore without an Energy Flow Card, you would end up on a "bare" island. 

  • Synesthesia
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  • Posts: 201

Posted at 2013-04-11 22:07:36 — Link

I don't think this is a good idea. It's hard to build a State portal building, and you need resources to do so. If you keep exploring bare islands, how you get the resources to build the building? It would effective make the play almost too hard for people just arriving to the game.

  • Timain
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  • Posts: 723

Posted at 2013-04-11 22:12:22 — Link

I'm sorry, I guess I didn't explain fully.

The suggestion is that the "usual" exploration stays as it is. You get one island per hour, with a maximum of 20. Those are regular explorable islands. Just that you don't have to stop afterwards. If you are like me and you would like to explore more, you could still do so, but just not get any resources for it.

If you did have the State Portal, you could use that to get more "full" island explores after the standard ones you used up, just like it is right now.

I hope this is better explained now. xD

  • Synesthesia
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  • Posts: 201

Posted at 2013-04-11 22:18:49 — Link

That makes more sense, and for that I'd support it, and maybe be a little less broke for having to use the riding hall. XD

  • RedMask
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  • Posts: 77

Posted at 2013-04-12 00:33:09 — Link

Sounds like a good idea.

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