Posted at 2013-03-24 19:40:02 — Link

Welcome Beastmasters, to the history of our kind… 5 billion years ago our ancestors were forced to emigrate from the planet Earth when the Sun became a red giant and the whole planet became inhospitable to life as they knew it. As their demise became imminent, the surviving humans moved forth and terraformed the moon of Jupiter, Europa, and migrated to their new home. The differences between their new home and Earth were apparent when creatures of huge sizes thrived where they could not have possibly lived in the environment of Earth. It became common to see enormous Dragons, Rocs and Gryphons in the wilds of their new planet. The ancestors thrived in their new civilization for thousands of years on the planet Europa, but the same catastrophe that destroyed life on Earth now endangers the planet and all of the creatures that have made their home there.
The same red giant sun has melted the ice on Europa and has created planet-wide floods which covered most of planet leaving scattered islands and destroying much of civilization. Whispers from the people tell stories that the remnants of humanity are searching for a way to travel to more distant moons, but there has been nothing to confirm the rumors. Some sources speak of new biospheres which have been kept secret, other life forms, and the potential for new colonies.
While living on the planet of Europa, the people thrived, creating a utopia. Their advanced scientific knowledge of space travel, no longer necessary, gave way to a whole new form of knowledge, convening in the Council of Mages and the Warlock Conclave. The Mages looked over and taught humans, but they themselves were not true humans, not as we would see them. Their own genetic makeup had evolved the genes of other species, giving them kinship with certain animals that were heart-bound and couldn't resist being attracted to the Mages that shared their genome. Many people believe that the Mages possess the secrets of life and can manipulate flesh and soul at will. These supernatural abilities leave an air of mystery surrounding the Mages, and humans look to them with awe and fear. Creatures like Gryphons were believed to be the result of the Mages artificial experimenting, but no one knew for sure whether this is truth or not. Meanwhile, the Mages have continued to research the souls of the creatures of Europa for several years, and they now believe they are close to finding a way to travel to the other moons by harnessing these powers.
The Conclave of Warlocks are born normally, as humans, but choose to modify their essence and body by consuming the powers of different supernatural creatures, such as magickal animals. Even Mages and Druids, who disappeared mysteriously, have been sources of this power. These disappearances have been at the core of the hostility between the Mages and Warlocks that hunt them to consume their energies. Instead of living in a symbiotic relationship with certain creatures as the Mages do, the Warlocks' sole purpose is to enslave and consume the energies of all different creatures and sources.
Written by Erislyn
Concept by Voron_eril