Posted at 2013-03-16 01:49:11 — Link
Are they randomly generated or are they dependent on a pet's lineage or something else entirely? Can a pet at lv 1 and all Normal genes have a stat below a certain amount?
Posted at 2013-03-16 01:49:11 — Link
Are they randomly generated or are they dependent on a pet's lineage or something else entirely? Can a pet at lv 1 and all Normal genes have a stat below a certain amount?
Posted at 2013-03-16 03:49:21 — Link
From what I've seen it's completely random, not sure between what ranges. I think it's between 20 something and 40 something. As far as lineage, only inbreeding or gen power affects the stats. The parents' stats don't; ie high strength parents won't equal high strength babies.
Posted at 2013-03-16 04:05:39 — Link
The base stats are generated independent from the pet's lineage. It's not a complete random, we're using the formula close to normal distribution to make it closer to reality: the average stats will be more frequent than minimum and maximum values. The range is from 25 to 50.