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  • SquishCat
  • User
  • Posts: 93

Posted at 2024-11-29 05:04:30 — Link

Im always Looking for Geneticist Invites :)

Normally I would offer 8ks per invite, but I'm saving silver atm!

Instead, let me know what materials, items, or recipes* you're looking for and I'll check if I have it. If I do, we can organize a trade! Please dm me for fastest response.

Thanks in advance!


*Note that I don't have access to battlefield exclusive items or recipes :(

Time: BK-8

I don't check the forums for updates as much as I should, so please don't be afraid to dm me for anything important or time sensitive :)

  • WarriorsFan#3126121
  • User
  • Posts: 190

Posted at 2024-11-30 03:00:16 — Link

I have a male barn owl deivant gryphon. I also have a female gryphon that is a snowy owl and one of her parents was a snowy owl dev. She is also GP3. I have some spectalated owl gryphons male and female and some red owl gryphons male and female. I even have a red owl dev, male.

Female GP3: BeastKeeper | Pet Profile

Male Barn owl dev: BeastKeeper | Pet Profile

Gryphons: BeastKeeper | Pets

Red owl dev: BeastKeeper | Pet Profile

If any of them interest you, just make an offer and we'll work it out.

P.S   Their are some male deivant owl gryphons in trade right now, just so you know.

May Starclan light your path.

  • SquishCat
  • User
  • Posts: 93

Posted at 2024-12-21 06:47:02 — Link

Updated 12/20/24

Time: BK-8

I don't check the forums for updates as much as I should, so please don't be afraid to dm me for anything important or time sensitive :)

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