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  • Angel
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Posted at 2023-01-01 00:00:25 — Link


Winter is here again! Tundra biotope has become available through the portal network. Beastlords value these cold distant islands for the possibility to find hibernating Lykos Eggs, and the luckiest ones can wander upon a Pristine Snowflake and grow their own Etelia.

If this is your first cold season on Europa, please visit these threads:

Learn about Tundra

Learn about Etelias

Tundra direction will be closed on March 4th, 23:59 EET

  • Pogiz
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Posted at 2023-01-01 16:00:17 — Link

Exciting stuff :-D

Happy New Year everyone.


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  • arete
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Posted at 2023-01-01 16:01:01 — Link

Happy new year! To you too, Poggy!


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  • FillingIceCream
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Posted at 2023-01-02 15:43:24 — Link

Yay! I got my first ever 2 crystalline ice! 

  • Tiger_Claw
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Posted at 2023-01-03 03:51:02 — Link

noooo. it's literally my 999999th island and all my pets are stuck on lvl 12/13ish and it is SOOO frustrating and their energy is all at 0 and energy drinks don't work. I'm also burning through my stack of portal energy cells. i also hate when the green portals JUST DECIDE NOT TO APPEAR right when im about to get to lvl 8 and i have to restart all over again. HOW DID I DO THIS LAST YEAR

"Even though we might have lost tonight/The skyline reminds us of a different time" - Alan Walker, Different World

  • Alexa7765
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Posted at 2023-01-03 17:01:21 — Link

Y'all this is crazy I just got a chest and a green portal on the same block-

Want a deviant or a double? You've come to the right place! Message me which deviant you want and I'll check my devaints to see if I can breed one for you! Prices vary from 10,000 to 100,000, depending on what your deviant has.

  • arete
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Posted at 2023-01-04 13:09:54 — Link

I've gotten monsters and portals on the same block too.

If anyone needs a free tundra blueprint please pm me.

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  • Tiger_Claw
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Posted at 2023-01-04 18:16:52 — Link

I have some questions  about etelias. so it says an etelia has a small chance that every island that she enters will be her birthplace, but if you do happen to find it will there be a message that pops up or something to notify you that you've found the island? 

Also can you use etelias that you found like, in 2022, or do they have to be the ones that  you found this year? 

"Even though we might have lost tonight/The skyline reminds us of a different time" - Alan Walker, Different World

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
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Posted at 2023-01-04 19:08:51 — Link

Tiger_Claw (#85007) wrote:

I have some questions  about etelias. so it says an etelia has a small chance that every island that she enters will be her birthplace, but if you do happen to find it will there be a message that pops up or something to notify you that you've found the island? 

Also can you use etelias that you found like, in 2022, or do they have to be the ones that  you found this year? 

You'll see a popup offering your Etelia to breed when she finds her birth island. And yes, any Etelia can find her birthplace and breed. There's a requirement for minimum age (30 real days / 10 game years) but no requirements for maximum.

  • arete
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Posted at 2023-01-04 20:34:48 — Link

First etelia literally visited 100 islands before it bred, it took me a year to get two.

Also by tundra blueprints I mean deviance extractors, charged sticks and portal cells.

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  • MorningGlory
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Posted at 2023-01-05 00:15:27 — Link

I got my first etelia in 2021, and I missed the whole tundra season last year. This year it took me less than 10 islands to breed mine.

Now I just have to get crystalline ice but it's so hard :((

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  • Sangsus
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Posted at 2023-01-05 17:20:37 — Link

Newbie player here, I'm essentially using Tundra to level up grade 3 pets that people have gifted me ^^ I'm still figuring out parts of the gameplay so I'm not sure I'll be able to make the most out of this year's tundra season, but I'll try my best.

I've found an egg ^^ If I understand correctly I now need to craft a deviance extractor and sacrifice one of my shiny. Trouble is, I used to have two and I unknowingly sacrificied one to a Tree Shrine (it was a gift, I feel really bad about this error). So I'm going to try and breed the one left I have, as well as other homozygous beasts I have, if I've understood correctly that is how you get deviants, right ?

I'm really not hopefull about getting an Etelia this year, I've barely managed to reach level 5 for the moment ^^'

Sangsus the sanguisuge

  • arete
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Posted at 2023-01-05 17:23:56 — Link

Ok the egg gets you a Wild Pet lykos.

To get an etelia you need to get to level ten and get a SNOWFLAKE.

Then three deviance, 100 pure snow, one ice breath/ice aura lykos, and 20 crystalline ice


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  • Sangsus
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Posted at 2023-01-05 17:49:16 — Link

Okay, so deviance serum is used to wake up Lykos hibernating egg, but at my point I'm better off saving them for the Etelia, right ? I've seen Lykos in the pound so I'm assuming they're not that rare, despite having half as many breedings as regular pets (that limit sounds hard to reach anyways, except maybe when trying for double deviants?)

Level 10 sounds at least reachable, but I'm guessing snowflakes aren't that frequent. I'll send more pets looking for granite I guess.

The help indicates enemies get harder as the levels progress, but they start off the same as any usual biotope so is there any advantage to using a higher level pet in tundra, or does any pet with good abilities work ?


Thanks a lot for the advice, its really helpful :)

Sangsus the sanguisuge

  • arete
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Posted at 2023-01-05 19:42:43 — Link

I find higher level pets give bigger islands therefore better chance of getting a green portal.

Your snowflake shouldn't be hard to find. Mine wasn't. It's the only one you'll ever get - all subsequent ones are bred.

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