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  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2022-12-25 00:00:15 — Link

You notice a mysterious bag near the fireplace in your living room. There's a postcard attached to the bag throat:

"Dear Beastlord!

Your pets are sending the warmest wishes to you and your loved ones! 

My little helpers have heard a lot of nice things about you and asked to see you with their own eyes. Make sure to close windows and doors before opening the bag!"

Click to claim your gift

The giveaway is valid until January 1st, 23:59 EEST (game time)

Reminder: each player is allowed to have only one account. Don't create additional accounts to get extra gifts. All players who have multiple accounts will get their accounts banned.

  • lamel
  • User
  • Posts: 72

Posted at 2022-12-25 08:53:14 — Link

thanks a lot for the nice present, Angel! and merry christmas!

  • arete
  • User
  • Posts: 2,355

Posted at 2022-12-25 11:22:43 — Link

Thank-you Angel! I love the little minipets!

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Random acts of senseless kindness.

  • Pogiz
  • User
  • Posts: 22

Posted at 2022-12-25 12:26:10 — Link

Merry Christmas everyone.  Thanks for the presents angel, hope you are ok.


What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy
What do you want to do ?
New mailCopy

  • Honeypie
  • User
  • Posts: 17

Posted at 2022-12-25 18:03:00 — Link

thanks so much for these goodies! Hope you are safe and sound with your loved ones on this special day.

  • Nightswan
  • User
  • Posts: 596

Posted at 2022-12-25 21:54:28 — Link

Free goodies? yes please :-) Happy holidays and stay safe!

"Violence for violence is the rule of beasts." -obama in some guy's dream




  • Alexa7765
  • User
  • Posts: 456

Posted at 2022-12-25 23:52:10 — Link

Hey uh, I got this gift but it didn't show up In my inventory, and last year when I got it there was a message in my inventory, but there is none this year. Is there a problem?


Want a deviant or a double? You've come to the right place! Message me which deviant you want and I'll check my devaints to see if I can breed one for you! Prices vary from 10,000 to 100,000, depending on what your deviant has.

  • Tiger_Claw
  • User
  • Posts: 66

Posted at 2022-12-26 04:29:55 — Link

did u click use? 


btw the new apparel is SOOOO CUTE :3

Come check out my pets :)

  • Kenma
  • User
  • Posts: 21

Posted at 2022-12-26 11:01:28 — Link

Thank you for the gifts, please stay safe... merry christmas

  • Wolf21
  • User
  • Posts: 5

Posted at 2022-12-26 12:15:53 — Link

Thank you!!!

Ronnie (game veteran 2014)

  • Mandalay
  • User
  • Posts: 7

Posted at 2022-12-28 22:54:58 — Link

Thank You! Have some nice, safe holidays, and a good hop into next year!

  • Jolyne_kujo
  • User
  • Posts: 3

Posted at 2022-12-30 01:44:26 — Link

Thank you! Hope you guys have a great week

We believed

We'd catch the rainbow
Ride the wind to the sun
Sail away on ships of wonder
But life's not a wheel
With chains made of steel
So bless me

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