Posted at 2022-08-23 00:20:55 — Link
So I made a small apparel to practice with, an Egyptian theme eye, I made sure the canvas was the correct 350x300 size. I made sure it fit the gryphon alright
One tiny problem...
The fack is this? It's all offset and I can't see why, I've even tried to see if masking it works and it does, just fine, all that's left is a gryphon eye
But when I try to add the actual artwork, it's above the head
What's up with it?
Im FireAuraDragon, I changed my name for personal reasons :)
Slayer of the Auras and Queen of the Land of Phoenix
Alexas Writing Contest! (Giving Out Prizes)
Also a Deviant and GP3 Breeder!
The Fire Market- Custom Deviant Breeding!
The Current Show Is A Deviant Gryphon Show!