Posted at 2022-01-05 03:35:38 — Link
If your new and want a pet look in my sales tab and u can have any pet there free. If you see a pet in any of my other tabs (fair warning no lvl 50 or devs) I will give you (some pets I won't give away tho). I will also bred you a pet u want and you get free breeding offers on all my pets (except devs and lvl 50 but you still get a discount on those).
Feel free to ask me any questions you may have!
(Also if you PM me I'm more likely to see it than if you post in this forum but I will still try to check this regularlly)
- Smithea27
~- Pet Sales, Item Sales, Breeding Requests, etc. -~
If you have a lykos (even if it has degeneration) that you are going to send to the pound ask me if I have room and if I do I'll buy them from you for 500 silver