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  • Cynders
  • User
  • Posts: 18

Posted at 2021-01-23 01:18:12 — Link

So, I sold two deviants and now they aren't deviants? I sold them for a lot, so why would people make them not deviants? Is there something I'm missing?


This is the second time and I'm so confused XD

  • Nightswan
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Posted at 2021-01-23 02:16:18 — Link

It's tundra season, which means extraction time. There's a nifty little object called a  Deviance Extractor which does exactly what its name suggests: takes away the deviance of a pet and puts it in a little bottle.

You need liquid deviance to activate Etelia snowflakes which then grow into etelia.

So that's what happened to your sold pets :)

"Violence for violence is the rule of beasts." -obama in some guy's dream




  • Cynders
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  • Posts: 18

Posted at 2021-01-23 03:34:30 — Link

Oh, can you give the deviance to another pet, or does it just stay in the bottle? Are deviants worth more now, or less now?

  • Alexa7765
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  • Posts: 457

Posted at 2021-01-29 02:44:43 — Link


Want a deviant or a double? You've come to the right place! Message me which deviant you want and I'll check my devaints to see if I can breed one for you! Prices vary from 10,000 to 100,000, depending on what your deviant has.

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