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  • Beastlover1
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  • Posts: 101

Posted at 2020-07-01 05:07:27 — Link

hi I'm making this thread to take a moment to appreciate the lose of a pet that had and still has a s place in my heart her name was Emma and I love her she couldn't see and she died of old age I can never forget her if anyone else has a pet that died or is getting to that age post it here and you will get my full support<3 Emma I love you


  • Firehawk
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  • Posts: 1,201

Posted at 2020-09-03 04:27:27 — Link

My dog Bosco died, he was old and I was 8 at the time.. he was a black out bull with a with fleck on his forehead and he was my favorite dog..

He got sick, he wouldn't eat or drink and if he did he would just throw it up..

He wouldn't come inside anymore and just stayed under the house but when he died he died walking to the woods...

I feel your pain so so much #prayers

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