Pets are born with GP based on their parents level. I'd absolutely by a pet with no GP if it had the genes I wanted, because I can always level it and use it to breed with other pets or it can become the progenitor of my line.
Red are stats that are negatively affected by poor genes that act as a "detractor", genes/modifyers that have a positive effect show as green on the stats, and black for neutral ones.
Scroll to the "Genetics and Breeding Questions" here for lots of good details (, the jist is:
Genetic Power is a bonus which child will get if the parents were properly trained before conceiving a baby.
Genetic Power gives +10 bonus to each characteristic for each Grade (in total +60 characteristics bonus for each Grade). The other profit from Genetic Power are access to temples which give you items for free if you qualify for their Genetic Power requirements, and the ability to fulfill the most high-paid quests.
The rules of acquiring Genetic Power:
- If both of the parents have level 50, their child will get +1 Genetic Power.
If one of the parents is level 50 and the other is not, the child will get +1 Genetic Power if it has 7 or more dominant genes from the level 50 parent.
- If both of the parents has similar grade of Genetic Power, the child will get this grade and +1 grade if one or both parents have maximum level (according to the first rule).
- If parents have a difference of 1 grade of Genetic Power, the child will get the higher grade if it has inherited 7 or more dominant genes from the parent with higher grade. Genetic Power through level can be only acquired but not inherited in this case, thus the levels of parents do not play any role here and do not affect the Genetic Power grade of the child until they are both Lvl 50.
- If parents has a difference of 2 or more grades of Genetic Power, the child won't get Genetic Power grade for parents' genes, it can get only 1 Grade for parents' levels.
Some examples to illustrate these rules:
- Lvl 50 pet GP grade 2 x Lvl 50 pet = Child GP Grade 1
- Lvl 50 pet GP grade 1 x Lvl 50 pet = Child GP Grade 2 (if there are 7 or more dominant genes from parent with Grade 1) or Grade 1 (if there are less than 7 dominant genes from parent with Grade 1)
- Lvl 50 pet GP Grade 2 x Lvl 50 pet GP Grade 1 = Child GP Grade 3 (if there are 7 or more dominant genes from parent with Grade 2) or Grade 2 (if there are less than 7 dominant genes from parent with Grade 2)
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