Posted at 2019-10-22 20:46:31 — Link
Just as the title said. I hover over a ? and can't read the information (well, except for the left 1/3 of the box). I can't move the tooltip box, either. I am on Firefox 69 on Windows 10.

Posted at 2019-10-22 20:46:31 — Link
Just as the title said. I hover over a ? and can't read the information (well, except for the left 1/3 of the box). I can't move the tooltip box, either. I am on Firefox 69 on Windows 10.
Posted at 2019-10-22 22:33:49 — Link
Thank you for reporting!
There's indeed an issue with tooltips. We're working on a fix.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Update: we implemented a fix, please report if you encounter any other issues with tooltips.