Posted at 2019-10-16 10:17:56 — Link
a grid is vissible in island explore

Posted at 2019-10-17 14:41:37 — Link
the map itself is also changing size, thougt it seems to be the rows of divs changing width when you move through the fog-of-war
Posted at 2019-10-17 14:54:02 — Link
However, now that I tried it it seems to only apear in the Chrome browser, I tried with my Firefox and all were normal then and also when I tried on the phone,.
So I guess its something to do with the browser support for something differs. PErhaps some of the CSS is not supported in chrome? since other than the visual everything else seems to work
Posted at 2019-10-19 09:56:16 — Link
I'm pretty sure the lines are there due to different screen ppi appearing because of browser zoom or device specifications. In some cases, when zooming isn't pixel-perfect (in other words, when it's not a power of 2), the element sizes may get a part of a pixel less or more. Different browsers process such discrepancies with different algorithms, so one browser may show the lines while the other won't in the same environment. Everything depends on when they round the decimal values up or down. I'll try to find a solution. Thank you for reporting!
Update: we have a fix that solves the majority of such cases. It'll be live with the next update at the end of the month.