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  • SquishCat
  • User
  • Posts: 105

Posted at 2019-07-11 20:06:11 — Link

So I was testing a Text Quest of mine trying to figure out how to link a review survey(you can't link things in text quests because of the use of slashes) when I came across an issue. Apperantly you need to be logged in to play a text quest? 

The issue that I have with this is that anyone who doesn't have an account will instantly be discouraged from playing my quest or, for the matter, the game itself because of this. It's super obnoxious when any site does this and it saddens me to see BK doing it as well. 

If anything can be done about this, I'd love to see it changed so that people outside of Beast Keeper can also enjoy our creations. Thank you!

Looking for stable (lvl 5) blueprint and wood! All pets in Pound and SPSB tabs free to anyone who wants them.

I do not recieve notifications from forum posts! Pls dm me for anything important or time sensitive :)

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2019-07-24 02:28:23 — Link

Sure, it's not a problem. Initially we planned integrating this feature with game entities (like using the stats of an active pet, items from inventory etc.), so it was restricted to registered players only, but then the development direction was altered, and text quests stayed as demo version to keep player creations. There's no reason to have them behind the registration wall. I removed the restriction.

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