Posted at 2018-10-15 06:10:44 — Link

Hey all.  I'm Delphi on FR, and a few other things a few other places, a former EX enthusiast until my job took over...  Just found this site by accident and have to say, I do like it so far?  Really nice stuff, looking forward to getting into it a bit.  I'm not sure what the general age demographic is around here, I sometimes end up the 'forum dad' on sites like this because I'm a little older.  

I expect to collect a lot of reptiles on here because that, honestly, is what I do in real life.  I am the proud dad/granddad/great-granddad of over a dozen boa constrictors, and a hobby breeder.  Hopefully someday more than a hobby, hah.

Anyway, interested in meeting new people, trying new things, etc.  I love random contact but can't always get back to folks right away because haha, 84 hour work weeks, what is free time???


And maybe I can rope my wife into joining too.  =)