Posted at 2018-02-20 09:25:58 — Link

Hello everyone! I'm Gelendra, and I've been perusing for an entertaining pet SIM game that would keep me coming back more than just for events, and I'm starting to think I may have found one in BeastKeeper.

(As a note, I tried to post this yesterday, but something messed up with my connection lol!)

A little bit about myself: I enjoy RPing (whether tabletop or forum), reading/writing (multiple-year NaNoWriMo participant) with a bend towards fantasy, and a gamer who loves RPG, Fantasy, and puzzle games like Professor Layton/Phoenix Wright. Yep, I'm a Geek, Nerd, Girl Gamer, Dork, or what have you, and proud of it!

I have to admit, when I picked my first dragon I was more than a bit thrilled that he turned out blue; one of my characters on an RP forum site has a blue dragon, so naturally the name had to migrate lol! I'd say more on that, but I know some sites have rules about cross-site discussion just anywhere, so I'll leave it at that and play it safe.

Of course, all this said if anyone's interested in starting up an RP I'm more than open to it!

I admit, I'm generally quiet on the forums, unless there's a topic that particularlly interests me or that I have a solid idea or opinion on, but I hope I can make some friends around here anyways.

Until later!