Posted at 2018-01-26 07:56:36 — Link
Hello all I am desperately seeking these things:
- Deviant Pets: I will take any deviant you don't want, The gender doesn't matter. I'm willing to pay 20K+ for them depending on genes. but right now I am specifically looking for a deviant pattern snowy owl male or female gryphon.
Willing to pay for any of the above things with:
Magic food
Change Sex Scrolls (ONLY HAVE 2 OF THESE)
Blueprints, schemes and Golems
Portal Energy Cells (have a lot of these)
Vermillion and Materials
So if you have any of these things please sell them to me thanks
The Highbridge Unicorn and Catching the Fire Stud
Breeding Unicorns and Rocs
Wanted Fourm Post Link Below if you can help i would be so thankful