Boards < General < General Chat < So, theoretically...


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  • NixedPhoenix
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  • Posts: 17

Posted at 2018-01-01 09:57:49 — Link

Say someone really liked the breeding aspect of the game, yet did not take any notice to the money they were spending on food or bother to do quests or explores to gain more money or food.

And then, their silver stores ran out- leaving them unable to pay for food and leaving their pets starving.

Like, what would happen? Would the person go into debt paying to keep their pet's hunger sated? Would the pets begin to starve, their traits going downhill as a result? Would their pets get desperate, decide 'stuff this', and go into the wild, living out their lives as Wild Pets until some lucky soul manages to catch them? (wouldn't that be interesting, though! The pets you catch are pets who've run awaayyyy....)

Would the pets turn on you and start a revolt or something? Would they stage a huge protest using picket signs and paint? Would they call their second-cousins-once-removed and ask to stay over at their places for a while?

Or would absolutely nothing happen. Nothing at all, with you just carrying on with your game as per usual. Or you just get a warning, and life simply goes on.

(there are other things I'd suggest, but some of those are best left to places outside forums.)

I'm honestly curious. If you've done this (or know someone who's done this) in the name of curiosity or by pure accident somehow, then send over a reply and only then will my curiosity be sated.

(though, if you're willing to add anything to the list of what happens, you're more than welcome to go ahead, haha.)


  • yellowfang777
  • User
  • Posts: 428

Posted at 2018-01-01 18:52:54 — Link

yes, theoretically.



  • Zestful0
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  • Posts: 5

Posted at 2018-02-08 20:19:41 — Link

This is an interesting theorum. Problem is, who bells the cat?

So that is my vauge hint done for the day. :)

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