Choosing a squad:
This is definitely an important aspect, and needs its own post.
Some players invest in beasts with lots of four-point attacks: electric strike, blizzard, fire strike or acid strike. These are good, but not very useful if your opponent has Tactic Manoeuvres. Tactics like Theory of Chaos, Deadly Frost and Hold the Line, not to mention Complete Confusion, are devastating if you aren't prepared.
So try to have a mix of manoeuvres in your squad. Hold the Line, if you look at the Tactics FAQ, gives you the same amount of points as your opponent's attacks give them, up to 16 points. This is very nice to have, and can only really be countered by a lot of Defensive manoeuvres and Theory of Chaos. So absolutely work by trial and error in your squads. I have two squads that are based solely on tactics; my third squad just has as many attacks as possible and tries to ride roughshod over the opposition. Oddly enough this last squad has been the most successful.
One of my squads has a beast with Complete Confusion and another three with as many Confusion manoeuvres as possible; this is great as long as you roll four Confusions and one Complete Confusion, because otherwise you can lose quite spectacularly. It's all down to pure chance and what the roll of the dice gives you. This same squad also has Hold The Line and Theory of Chaos with Strafing Strike and Regeneration thrown in. Sometimes not a single one of these tactics activates, and that's when I get the most frustrated. But moving on...
My other squad is my Deadly Frost squad. Four Ice Breath Lykoses with Ice Aura, which give me a fairly good chance of winning. If the Deadly Frost activates, every attack of my opponent is negated. This is very good, but sometimes the opponent has Theory of Chaos and a lot of Regenerations and Strafing Strikes and even if Deadly Frost activates they win. So really it's down to a mix of chance and the choices you make.
It's nice to have more than one squad, so build the Military Academy 2 as soon as you can. Then you can approach the Portal from more than one direction, which is twice the fun.
Take a look at this fight:

The opponent has a lot of Ice and Acid and Fire attacks. In the first round she rolled a Tornado, which wiped out one of my Confusions. In all the following rounds she got more points than me, but I was fortunate: I rolled a Complete Confusion in the first round and a Hold the Line in the third. Both activated. The Complete Confusion gave me 28 points and Hold the Line 11. That's 39 out of a total of 45 points. When this squad does its job properly, it's very hard to beat.
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Random acts of senseless kindness.