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  • seph
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Posted at 2013-03-03 17:55:45 — Link

Is it just me or who does like people outbidiing you in the last 10 seconds? >_>

I hate it, it was one of the many reasons why I didn't enjoyed Wajas, so can an auction get another minute or so added when another bid was made during the last minute or last 5 minutes please? (I'm open for offers on time)

It would greatly help with making purchases.


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  • Elviril
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Posted at 2013-03-03 19:53:57 — Link

I support the auction snipeguard.

Extension by another 30 min to an hour would be nice, if there is a bid made within the last 5-10 mins of auction.

Was about to suggest it myself XD.

  • Cheese
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Posted at 2013-03-03 20:51:57 — Link

No support.  I think it's more unfair for the people who wait for an auction to end so they can bid last minute, only to have it extended. It stinks enough when an auction is going to end when you know you won't be online, so it's fair to those who will be online when an auction ends, and extending would just get annoying. Sniping is a common thing, happens on almost every single site that has auctions.

Besides, how would it work if two or more people bid at the last minute?  You'd have to consider how it's going to be to code so it only raises it up by 30 minutes-1 hour instead of doubling that time because two people just so happened to bid at the same time last minute.  

The way I see it, if you don't like being sniped, start sniping.

  • seph
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Posted at 2013-03-03 20:59:19 — Link

Oh and you think it's fair when people stalk a trade for 4 hours, seeing no interest in the item during that time and then don't get the thing 'cause someone bid in the last 5 freaking seconds?

Talk about fun, but I don't think it is. >.<


Also I'm not suggesting something extreme like half an hour or so, but now 5 minutes won't hurt anyone. And in case for the doubling I think that the first person bidding would increase this trades time and for the second the script would check the time see it's not under a minute and not extending the time therefore.

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  • koben
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Posted at 2013-03-03 21:50:45 — Link

no support, its market stradegy. it is fair it happens on ebay/amazon.

this site is not a single player game everyone is competing.

if you dont like being snipped use the fourms to buy/sell your items or buy-out auctions when you can. sure its annoying but its a game.

aslo think about the auctioner waiting for money, exactly how many times would the guard activate. think about a penny auction (with no buy out) the auction was set to be only for 1-2 hours. but 5 or more hours later the auction is still going.

or if some one need extremely fast money *say they set it up with a demanded item to last 45 mins ,to beable to feed their pets for the day cause they reaised at about 11pm servertime they did have enound money/food. put something up with/without a buyout and people kept bidding on it the snip guard activates 1-5 times cause the auction was delayed they missed feeding their pets - i know thats an extreame example, but its to show that there are more that just one side to a coin.

  • Cheese
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Posted at 2013-03-03 22:01:34 — Link

If you've stalked it for four hours, why can't you stalk it for the last five minutes?

Koben made good points as well. And they're right, it's market strategy. Games are made to be fun but competitive. You can't expect the world to form around you just because you can't beat the competition.  And again, as Koben stated, there are alternative forms to buying and selling.  You don't have to use the auctions.

And as an example, there is an auction site that bids in pennies. If you bid within the last 10 seconds, it raises for 15 more seconds. But this goes on for hours, if not days. It doesn't matter when they get the money though, because the site gets the money and they don't have to use it urgently, as Koben suggests could be the case for some users. So yes, I do think it's unfair if someone watches a trade for a long time, but then has to wait even longer because of a snipe guard. If they manage to put in the highest bid at the end, then they deserve the item for being able to successfully bid the highest amount within a limited time frame.

  • Aelisk
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Posted at 2013-03-03 22:02:13 — Link

Support. Just because it's popular elsewhere doesn't make it fun.

I like my sleep, and I don't want this site to go hardcore to the point of forcing people online at specific times of the day.

Also, for some reason people dramatically undervalue items in their start bid: I see a ton of scrolls and pets starting at 200-300. The end price turns out ~500 if there's no one who bids high. And then the winner just turns around and sells it for a 10x profit. Something like this will just screw up the economy over time by making a few hardcore players much, much richer, and keeping everyone else low. The people who sell these items just won't get enough money to make their time worth it.

Since its not feasible to get everyone to increase their start bids to something reasonable, I fully support putting in a snipe guard.

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  • Cheese
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Posted at 2013-03-03 22:12:37 — Link

I don't understand how any site can go hardcore by not having a snipe guard. That makes no sense to me.  When the site grows and there are more players to put up more auctions, you have a higher chance of getting whatever item it is you want from another user if you lose out on one you've been watching.  Prices are not stable right now. People are going to undervalue because there isn't a common market price. The site hasn't been open that long, you can't expect prices to be set and stable within the first couple of weeks of open beta.  This won't screw up the economy, this is helping right now to form the economy.  

Besides that, if people put low start bids, how does that matter to you? Shouldn't you be happy that you're having a chance at a good item for cheap?  I also don't understand how you won't lose sleep with a snipe guard. If you see a super rare and extremely limited item for auciton, but people keep bidding last minute, it can last all through the night and end while you should be sleeping anyway.  Same difference. No one can be forced to stay up if they want an item. That's a personal choice, and a personal problem if they decide to do so.  That exact item will be available again at another time. If you miss it once, try again. That's how I see it.

  • koben
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Posted at 2013-03-03 22:20:50 — Link

the snipe guard would actuall force people to be on if they wanted the item(or maybe even discourage buyers). more than for just a snip watch, as then you have to then sit and Guard your bid. truthfuly i would rather be sniped that have to wait hours or more to see if i can add more competeion to the pool buy outbidding in the snip guard wars.

People that put up a low starting bids is the users choice to do that, the game should not be responsible for thier actions.once again its market, ever heard of a pawn shop, -buys items for a fraction of its value to resale at higher.

there will be hardcore players even with a snipe guard and it will just make using the auctions worse and last longer, more waiting to a game that already slow paced.




  • seph
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Posted at 2013-03-03 22:32:08 — Link

Okay you guys think more extreme than I do.

But all your problems with never ending auctions can be avoided if there would only be a limited numbers of times the guard activates.

Okay how I see it:

  • The Seller: He maybe has to wait longer (lets limit it to 1 hour for now) till he gets money, but he will get more money than he would have without the guard, since then people would have needed to raise the bid 12 times in order to extend it to that maximum time
  1. I don't see how getting more money is a bad thing here
  2. If money and time is of the essence don't put your auction up at the last minute or so that even with the max amount of extra time you will still get your money in time to feed your pets. It can easily be avoided.
  • The Buyer: If they really see that this item is wanted and suddenly gains attention he has the option to opt out since the price rose to high or he will get at least his money back and may decide to put it into another auction. At least he won't get his hopes up for nothing.
  1. When you see the auction goes on and on and on you at least now before that you can't compete and won't have hurt feelings afterwards.
  2. If an auction ends in the middle of the night an hour more won't change a thing, as you would still be sleeping and probably won't expect to get the item anyway.

So all in all I don't think it will hurt the site at all. it just means that more people will either bid sooner to not extend the time or more often which raises the price and make sellers happy.

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  • koben
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Posted at 2013-03-03 22:49:01 — Link

then the snipe guard is pointless if it only lasts a certain about of time. as the last that posts in that last 10 seconds of the last ativation still sniped it.


seller point 1: its not

2: sometimes things just jump out like chalk it up to not paying attention but should the game really punish you for that when you were trying to fix that problem by selling stuff.
 or maybe you need a bit more money to buy this pet with an auction that was about to end and you couldnt even bid cause you didnt have the money you would have gotten form your auction.


1: feelings would be hurt one way or another if your out bid your out bid it doesnt matter win.

2: i just cant phrase something to this right. as i think the statement is odd.

last point: as abuyer why would you want to increase the price early so that if you do win you paid 2-5x what you could of. -its market it may sould a little mean but its the truth.


  • Cheese
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Posted at 2013-03-03 22:57:50 — Link

So, if the snipe guard eventually ends, how does this not prevent sniping?  Someone can just stay on that extra hour to snipe you like they would without a snipe guard.

Regarding your seller: Getting more money isn't a bad thing, but if the seller wants an expected price, then they put the SB as the lowest price they'll take. Common knowledge to do that if you're an avid auctioneer.  People also shouldn't be restricted in auctions if they need the money fast.  Using the threads to buy and sell can be used to easily avoid sniping. Double-edged sword, right there.

Regarding your buyer: If the buyer obviously really wants an item, they'll stalk until the very end, and if they lose they get their hopes shot down.  Auctions aren't about hopes though, it's about a way to buy an sell at however high buyers are willing to go and to sell at however low sellers are willing to go.  It's unfair for the buyer to have to back down because they have to wait constantly because of a snipe guard. 

Quite frankly, I don't care if a snipe guard is put up or not. If I want an item, I'll keep posting last minute to put off potential buyers, as you said would apparently do. 

Lastly, snipe guards won't make auctions easier.  If people are willing to wait out the snipe, then you'll still end up without the item, just have to wait longer than you would if there was no snipe guard.

I also think your points contradict the reasons for your snipe guard, since they don't really help the situation other than drag out the inevitable.

  • lililira
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Posted at 2013-03-03 23:00:15 — Link

Why not just add in the choice of an optional Snipe Guard? 

  • Ankokou
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Posted at 2013-03-03 23:14:53 — Link

Support optional bid sniping protection, the person creating the auction can enable it if they choose. They could also choose the amount it extends it, maybe up to 30 minutes max? If they don't want it, they don't have to use it.
Those who want to snipe bids can find auctions with the protection off, and if they can't find any maybe they need to rethink their practice.

If Koben and Cheese are right and it hurts the seller because fewer people bid no one will opt to use it, right? So why not try it and see what the majority of people auctioning items think.
...Unless the people strongly opposed just don't want to have their means of snagging items cheaply and without much competition taken away.

Personally, I do bid-snipe. All the time.
If I'm going to be awake when an auction ends there is absolutely no reason at all to bid on it before the last few seconds. If I do, I'll only be bid-sniped later when someone else bids in the last seconds. Why anyone bids normally on systems like BK's is beyond me. You also snag it for much cheaper usually since it isn't as competitive.

When I'm auctioning something however, nothing is more annoying. Basically no one bids on this thing all day then one person snags it at the last minute for much less than you would have gotten if people knew they had to bid competitively rather than just try and be the last one to bid.

Honestly, on a site as auction-focused for selling everything I think it's basically necessary, but like I said, make it optional.


In my understanding, snipe guards don't "end." That isn't how they work, each bid extends the time by whatever the guard is. So if someone bids in the last 10 seconds, that can add 10 minutes. If someone tries to snipe the snipe-guard 9 minutes later that extends it another 10 minutes from that last bid again.

The auction will only end when no one bids for that 10 minutes.

  • Elviril
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Posted at 2013-03-03 23:52:25 — Link

if selling user would need money urgently, they could just set the autobuy price low, so snipe guard is still in a better interest of players both selling and buying.

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