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Poll: Favourite Tribe

5 votes / 17%
7 votes / 24%
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  • Seawing4evs
  • User
  • Posts: 280

Posted at 2022-05-14 15:57:13 — Link

Name: shrimp.

Winglet: gold.

Gender: female.

Personality: gloomy and depressive but gets overly excited about food for some strange reason she eats like a mudwing even if it is not sea food spends almost all her time either in the kitchen or underground lake and her domatory loves animals doesn't usually talk but when she does she can talk for ages likes writing and music terrified of all tribes except mudwings and rainwings.

Background: raised in a cave in the middle of the sea kingdom by overly cautious father mother killed by Queen burns army in the front line 

The seawings anthom.


Seawings oh seawings with scales green and blue.

Seawings oh seawings with scales pink and purple.

Seawings oh seawings with talons webed and sharp.

Seawings oh seawings with tails strong and large.

We live in seas or deepest blue.

Isolated from the contanent.

Delagated to protecting our queen.

But we're never really that content.

We are a proud old tribe of whale munchers.

But we really love our lunches.

A break with cake.

Or a salmon pie or two.

Seawings oh seawings I worship you.

  • chcolate
  • User
  • Posts: 120

Posted at 2022-06-03 10:31:59 — Link

Name: Hellraiser

Winglet: Jade

Gender: Male

Personality: Mishievous, loves trouble, overly confident about everything, but very friendly, kind and caring. He eats very little and very quickly, as he doesn't like stopping for food, but he's never hungry anyways. He loves sports, is best at all sports, but he doesn't show it off much. He a very quick, agile and strong nightwing with a smart mouth. He had a very big egg, he was going to have a twin but he sucked the fire out of his twin, kinda like Peril. He's born with too much fire, and not many can touch him.

Looks: Hellraiser has a few scars from when he was too reckless, but he is rather good looking. He has Black eyes and Dark blue black scales. He is larger than an average nightwing. 

Background: Has a father that's one of the queen's best warriors, father has almost same personality as him, except more sensible. His mother is often fretting about him, she's another great warrior, but is overprotective to Hellraiser. He was born in the rainforest, in a clutch of eggs but he was the only one that survived... because he touched the eggs accidently and they all burned. His mother and father both have scars on their talons when they accidently touched him.

Be Happy!

“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”
– Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


where to stream harry potter

Always in need of expand stable scrolls. Will pay a good amount of silver for it. Potions are also needed, just PM me and we can negotiate the price. Also looking for leather.


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