Posted at 2017-01-29 05:06:57 — Link

Hello my kitties! I have some pets for sale. Three infact, and they're all 1,000 Silver each! 

Well, let's get into each of them!


Pet Number One

Gender: Female 

Species: Roc

Level: 1

Good Genetic Modifires: None

Bad Genetic Modifiers:  Strength



Pet Numer Two

Gender: Female 

Species: Unicorn 

Level: 1

Good Genetic Modifires: Agility 

Bad Genetic Modifiers: Strength 



Pet Number Three

Gender: Female

Species: Puma

Level: 1

Good Genetic Modifires: None

Bad Genetic Modifiers: Consitution



Well, those are my pets on sale. I am willing to sell at a diffrent price, but you have to provide a good reson why. I hope to see these guys happy in their new home soon!

I'm a winged cat who thinks snakes are cute. Witch they are.