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  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2016-08-14 22:59:23 — Link

We’re a family couple of indie game developers from Ukraine. One of us loves world-building, and another adores all kinds of animals. Therefore we chose a very specific niche - browser pet simulation games. Our first project is known as BeastKeeper. It was a fun and very experience rich project that taught us a lot and involved many wonderful players. But it became outdated, obsolete and hard to update and support. Now having some experience in game development and knowing about a lot of inevitable problems beforehand, we decided to create a new browser game using the same world setting. We want to introduce you BeastEon, an ambitious fantasy pet simulation game.

BeastEon focuses on simulating a live world and sentient animal characters with dynamic unique personality. Here’s an overview of some core features that we’re going to realize:

  • procedurally generated isometric infinite world available for explore. As a basis we plan to use Perlin and Simplex noise with seeds at the beginning and then add some fractal magic when we move to more complex generation methods.
  • the world lives in eons. With the start of each eon the face of the planet is wiped leaving only the city and the player manors untouched, and the explore starts from scratch. The decisions made by players in the previous eon will affect the things that will happen in the new eon. 
  • each beast has a dynamic individiality that starts developing from its birth: beasts do things, interact with their surroundings, learn from others, remember what happened with them and develop sympathies and antipathies basing on the neural networks.
  • beasts have free will and interact with each other and the world through the social interface. Players can direct the decisions of their pets, allow or disallow certain things and try to shape the personalities that they would like to see.
  • extensive genetics systems that defines inborn traits and perks that affect not only the appearance of your beast but also its skills, perks and personality.
  • numerous customization availabilities and possibilities to add your unique content that will become an integrative part of the game world
  • common pet SIM features: breeding, taming, skills, perks, professions, quests, challenges etc.

Things that we want to achieve in case of success:

  • dynamic ecosystems that live and develop according to their own laws
  • global self-regulating economy and trading
  • dynamically generated quests and challenges
  • factions, politics and reputation
  • procedural generation of coat patterns using natural algorithms based on Alan Turing’s morphogenesis theory and reaction-diffusion patterns

We will be covering all the mechanics, concepts, workflow and show demos to you as we develop the game. We would be glad to hear your feedback and suggestions!

  • Poe
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  • Posts: 129

Posted at 2016-09-03 09:16:47 — Link

I have two questions to ask:

Do you develop the game with one or a few specific web browsers in mind, or should the game be without any trouble regardless of which web browser is used?

Which, if any, browser setting requirements are neccessary in order for the game to be trouble-free? (such as flash, java, or anything else) 

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2016-09-04 02:05:37 — Link

Any modern browser will do. The game is HTML5 with Canvas for exploration feature.

  • QueenSairai
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  • Posts: 14

Posted at 2016-10-18 23:34:33 — Link

Wait, so will this replace beastkeeper?

  • Lorry14
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  • Posts: 201

Posted at 2016-10-19 10:37:51 — Link

No,this is a different game.

Adopt one today!Lorry14Adopt one today!

  • QueenSairai
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  • Posts: 14

Posted at 2016-10-20 01:46:16 — Link

So we can play both?

  • DragonDreamers
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  • Posts: 87

Posted at 2016-10-20 01:56:19 — Link


MASSIVE Stable Sweep– 100 pets! [OPEN]

Item Trades: [TEMP CLOSED]

I am currently attempting to breed for pets with a better chance at fighting Etelia for the upcoming event! When the project develops a bit more, I'll make an Etelia Warriors group where you can track my progress, and where I'll eventually(hopefully) be selling some!

Project Status: Breeding pets with 1-3 right genes to get the recessive ones.

  • QueenSairai
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  • Posts: 14

Posted at 2016-10-20 07:16:11 — Link


  • Echo-
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  • Posts: 30

Posted at 2017-04-15 20:29:09 — Link

Will there be any new species?

s h o o k e t h

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2017-04-16 19:20:46 — Link

We have a few new species planned, but only for the release stage. Beta stage will have the same species with BeastKeeper, Alpha will probably lack the limited ones.

  • TheAmazingBlaise
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  • Posts: 85

Posted at 2017-05-13 01:17:15 — Link

Do you need game testers?

When Life gives you LEMONS, you can't make lemonade. You don't have the SUGAR.

If a kid was beating a dog with a bat, 49% would stop and stare, and 50% would walk away. I am the 1% who would grab the bat and beat the kid.Put this on your signature if you were the 1% who would grab the bat and beat the kid.

92% of the girls/boys would cry if Justin Bieber fell off a cliff and died. 7% of the girls/boys would scream and jump off the cliff after him. 1% of the girls/boys would have been the ones who pushed him off the cliff. Put this on your signature if you were the 1% that pushed him off.

90% of teens would die if Facebook's Server crashed. If you are the 10% that would die laughing, copy and paste this in your Signature.

94% of people think that wolves are vicious, evil animals. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're one of the 6% who love wolves and think they are shy and amazing creatures.

  • Countryjesusfollower
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  • Posts: 27

Posted at 2017-06-19 03:58:38 — Link

Has the new game released yet?cause i cant find it ,if it has released please could you leave a link?

If today was the last day before jesus came back ,how wou!d you live?would you live for him or for yourself?


"Behold i am coming soon,keep safe what you have so you will not be robbed of your victory prize".-BIBLE


If you belive in Jesus Christ as your lord and Savior than tell the world for we are not ashamed!tell about  jesus and leave the rest to him and he WILL do the rest!!


If you open your ears to the holy spirit you will not be able to go one minute without ministering to someone! This world needs a revival!!!!!!so shae the good news! 

  • arete
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Posted at 2017-06-20 19:13:28 — Link

They're aiming for Alpha in Autumn 2017. So September/October? Northern Hemisphere Autumn, I take it.

I would love to be a game tester. Also will be happy to read stuff and look for errors, have done it professionally for a magazine and as a volunteer for a gaming site (retro game download reviews mostly) so I'm waiting for this quite eagerly :)

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Random acts of senseless kindness.

  • 2902709
  • User
  • Posts: 67

Posted at 2017-06-30 02:25:55 — Link

is this new game a virtual exspierience?

is it tabs that you click (like beast keeper) or somthing else?

"I have seen things so beautiful they have brought tears to my eyes. 
Yet none of them can match the gracefulness and beauty of a horse running free."

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2017-07-04 00:06:07 — Link

2902709, partially it's similar to BeastKeeper  - we still have pet profiles and interaction with pets through their pages. Partially it's isometric explore and other HTML5 games (for alpha that would be challenges).

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