Posted at 2016-08-14 22:40:15 — Link
- Angel
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- Sun_Showers
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- Posts: 30
Posted at 2016-08-15 05:06:34 — Link
Oh wow. He looks so much more imposing! Not only individual scales, but detail on those scales! He certainly outclasses the other dragons, even the other pets.
I keep my thread in creative up to date. Please check it out if you want to see and critique the custom skins I've made.
- Nightingale
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- Posts: 2,929

Posted at 2016-08-15 15:04:32 — Link
Dang, that's gorgeous! I love the level of detail. Will other species also be altered to match this style and level of detail on the bases they have now?
I'd love more teasers on what the different patterns/colors look like! Will there be any additional mutations/markings or deviant patterns?
Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls
Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr |
- Sylviianel
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- Posts: 791

Posted at 2016-11-02 22:56:22 — Link
Compared to the old dragon base, this fellow is rather impressive. I love the amount of detail and how, while it is quite clearly a dragon by the standards we typically associate with them (for western dragons that is), some of the new features attributed here take a unique spin on the classic design. It's a BeastEon dragon, not any old dragon out there.
This design does make me a bit wary about how well it will fit in with the other creatures if they are not revamped, however; the old bases are far simpler and do not follow along in this same art style. While the other species do not need a redesign, a revamp to improve the quality and keep a uniform style on site would be nice. Either that or perhaps tone down this new form of dragon to have him fit in with the others.
- princessslothie
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- Posts: 137
Posted at 2016-11-09 07:28:22 — Link
Gorgeous!!! Love the detail, it is very impressive. Not sure how it would fit in, though. I agree with her. :)
- 333
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- Posts: 8
Posted at 2017-01-13 04:04:30 — Link
Huh... The art is good, and I like the detail on it, definitely, but it looks a bit too spiky, wild, dangerous. That sort of thing. Obviously a European dragon like the ones in Beastkeeper are going to be at least a bit dangerous, but I think this is a tad over-the-top. :S Also, something I picked up from Monika Zagrobelna (who's an artist that's really good with dragons and their anatomy) is that claws, horns and teeth shouldn't be super-duper sharp, otherwise they'll look unused.
But otherwise, it's pretty decent art. I'm just not sure that it suits the style of Beastkeeper and BeastEon. Super excited over BeastEon, by the way. ;)
You can't Apollo-gise for Greek mythology puns.
- Angel
- Game Developer
- Posts: 3,051
Posted at 2017-01-14 11:09:32 — Link
Thank you for the feedback! :) We will be adjusting the lining and shading a bit to make this artwork match the new baby art.
Also, something I picked up from Monika Zagrobelna (who's an artist that's really good with dragons and their anatomy) is that claws, horns and teeth shouldn't be super-duper sharp, otherwise they'll look unused.
That's not true for any creature that has means to manage the state of its claws, spikes and horns :) If we're talking of the wild nature, you can recall how sharp are the claws of any species which uses them to hunt. Be they retractable like cats have or not retractable like those of birds of prey, they are very sharp because the success of a hunt depends on them. Talking of BeastEon, we have a society of different sentient species that have means to maintain their natural appearance or alter it to their liking. An old or ill creature may have problem with the growth of keratin tissues, but even for them the artificial modelling and extension is totally possible. Just think of our own society and things that we do to enchance our appearance :)
- Angel
- Game Developer
- Posts: 3,051
Posted at 2017-01-16 22:36:23 — Link
New Roc base is posted, please check the first post.
- Marans
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- Posts: 400
Posted at 2017-01-17 03:06:47 — Link
Oh man, that roc looks amazing! Well done to the artist.
Are beast images staying at 350pix? I much prefer the large preview that you posted on the tumblr blog, to be honest. Same with the wonderfully detailed dragon.
It seems a shame to downsize all the lovely new textures. Plus larger bases means more opportunity to draw fine details in wearables and markings.
- Angel
- Game Developer
- Posts: 3,051
Posted at 2017-01-17 10:11:02 — Link
Thank you for the nice feedback! :)
We're scaling them up to 450 px like in this thread. That's the maximum size which is possible without sacrificing the convenience of use. Unfortunately, there's not so much place on the screen to place all the UI elements in quick access areas, make all crucial info easily readable without too much scrolling, add visible background and use a full-size beast image.
An update here. We're rebuilding UI to fit beasts up to 600px. The samples in the first post here were updated to the new size.
- Sylviianel
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- Posts: 791

Posted at 2017-01-18 04:23:40 — Link
For those of us who had concerns about how the other beasts would look alongside our new incredibly detailed, spikey dragon, this adult Roc should be enough to put those worries to rest.
Of course, individual feathers and individual scales look entirely different, just like how the fine fur on the baby bases are different than both scales and feathers, but they are clearly diffent textures and aren't meant to look as if they're made from the same material.
I also love that, while the dragon's scales seem to be shiny from reflecting light, like their scales would/should do, the Rocs lack this shading effect (is that what it would be called? It's what is coming to mind to best describe it).
I'll be anxiously awaiting the Cockatrices for a fellow scaley reptile to see how the scales will compare.
(Also, loving the Albino white/pink Dragon coloring. It's far more subdued than the bright yellow and is absolutely gorgeous.)
- arete
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- Posts: 2,358
Posted at 2017-01-18 22:08:42 — Link
I'm hoping for a beautifully ethereal unicornn, now :)
I'm so excited for this game :)
Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Random acts of senseless kindness.
- GoldenRam
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- Posts: 5
Posted at 2017-02-06 19:46:28 — Link
One thought on the dragon base: To me (I'm a softie) it looks to be in perpetual attack-mode. So pointy, with the scales all the way up. I would like to see a little more calmed down version. I only see points and wings at this size. I wonder what baby dragons look like?
I am in love with the Roc base! Thank you for keeping them very similar to BeastKeeper. :)
Cannot wait to see the unicorns. Yes, etherial, celestial, airy, light, quiet in the forest? That's my dream!
Thank you for all your work on BeastEon!
- Angel
- Game Developer
- Posts: 3,051
Posted at 2017-02-26 00:39:18 — Link
The Puma is the third beast who got a new base! Please check the first post to see a preview :)
- Marans
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- Posts: 400
Posted at 2017-02-26 16:49:39 — Link
Puma looks beautiful! So much detail in the fur, it's luxurious.
Really eager to see the new gryphon base... and the symu... well, all of them. :D