Posted at 2016-08-04 21:11:39 — Link
So I went to go explore and this showed up... what does it mean?

There's no located islands in the memory of your Portal.!
I have A TON of free pets in my free tab. Pm me c:
Posted at 2016-08-04 21:11:39 — Link
So I went to go explore and this showed up... what does it mean?
There's no located islands in the memory of your Portal.!
I have A TON of free pets in my free tab. Pm me c:
Posted at 2016-08-05 02:34:16 — Link
Every time you explore, you use up a located island in the portal memory. One new island is located every hour. Island locations are capped at twenty. You used up all your explorers. By now you should have more since it loads an island every hour. ^^
If you want more explores without the wait, you can build the State Portal Branch. For every pet you send there, you receive five Energy Flow cards. Each Flow Card allows you an extra explore.