Posted at 2016-04-12 06:31:52 — Link

I'm getting an error message reading "Sorry, 'func' not (yet) supported!" whenever I try to play a game I've made. The error message appears when I first try to run [Begin], and if I close it and try to keep going, any selection after [Begin] results in a blank text area. Here's the segment that's causing the problem.

[start]: set [round] to 1 
set [first] to 0
set [second] to 0
set [third] to 0
set [fourth] to 0
/Here is a puzzle. Enter the right combination to open the vault. _Begin_./
[Begin]: if [round] equals 5 then /You've entered four digits. Please press _ENTER_ to confirm.__/ end
/A keypad with the following numbers: _1_, _2_, _3_, _4_, _5_, _6_, _7_, _8_, _9_, _0_. Put in the four-digit code, then press _ENTER_./
[ENTER]: set [success] to 0
if [first] equals 3 then increase [success] end
if [second] equals 1 then increase [success] end
if [third] equals 4 then increase [success] end
if [fourth] equals 1 then increase [success] end
if [success] equals 4 then /You win! You win! You get all the loots! Good job! (Back to _start_?)/
else /Wrong code. _Try again_./ end
[try again]: run [start]
[1]: if [round] equals 1 then set [first] to 1 end
if [round] equals 2 then set [second] to 1 end
if [round] equals 3 then set [third] to 1 end
if [round] equals 4 then set [fourth] to 1 end
increase [round]
/You enter "1"__/
run [Begin]
[2]: if [round] equals 1 then set [first] to 2 end
if [round] equals 2 then set [second] to 2 end
if [round] equals 3 then set [third] to 2 end
if [round] equals 4 then set [fourth] to 2 end
increase [round]
/You enter "2"__/
run [Begin]
The rest of the code is just the other number buttons, [3] through [9] and [0], which are the same as [1] and [2], but I can post those as well if necessary. 
I've been able to successfully play the game on the developer's site. I'd really appreciate it if a solution could be found, or at least a workaround. (And I realize this might belong in the Hoot Quest Tech Support thread, but since that thread's over a year old I didn't know if it would get any attention.)