Boards < Advertising < Wanted Ads < Looking for Vermillion and Gentic Power Pets


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  • spiritjicole
  • User
  • Posts: 72

Posted at 2016-03-16 01:54:10 — Link

I'm looking for vermillion and genetic power pets! My goal is to sweep all of my degen pets out from my stables and replace them with genetic power pets. Vermillion donors get first picks from my "For Sale" tab, where I will put some genetic power pets. All in all, I need some help and anything would be appreciated. I have a lot of invites and schemes, so post or PM me! Please look at my Goals and Read Me tabs for more info about myself and my interests (on BK). Thanks!

  • phoenixArisen
  • User
  • Posts: 14

Posted at 2016-03-16 19:17:59 — Link

Look through my pets (especially the dragons) and tell me if you see anything you like! Anything with "The Boon of Artemis" and "Descendant of Moira" is guaranteed good genetics

I work my very hardest to breed GP Deviants, and Quickstrike+Firebreath Dragons! There are hardly any GP deviant pets on the market,  so I pride myself upon it and affordability!

Message me if anything piques your interest!

(Also in some cases you can pay in vermillion for pets!)

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