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  • TheAmazingBlaise
  • User
  • Posts: 85

Posted at 2016-01-17 06:37:04 — Link

Really need this

When Life gives you LEMONS, you can't make lemonade. You don't have the SUGAR.

If a kid was beating a dog with a bat, 49% would stop and stare, and 50% would walk away. I am the 1% who would grab the bat and beat the kid.Put this on your signature if you were the 1% who would grab the bat and beat the kid.

92% of the girls/boys would cry if Justin Bieber fell off a cliff and died. 7% of the girls/boys would scream and jump off the cliff after him. 1% of the girls/boys would have been the ones who pushed him off the cliff. Put this on your signature if you were the 1% that pushed him off.

90% of teens would die if Facebook's Server crashed. If you are the 10% that would die laughing, copy and paste this in your Signature.

94% of people think that wolves are vicious, evil animals. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're one of the 6% who love wolves and think they are shy and amazing creatures.

  • arete
  • User
  • Posts: 2,358

Posted at 2016-01-17 10:09:28 — Link

They aren't saleable. You have to get to level ten in the tundra and find one for yourself, unfortunately. The only options for them are "use" and "destroy".

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Random acts of senseless kindness.

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