Posted at 2016-01-04 04:01:58 — Link

So I figured it was time I clean out my collection of GP unicorns. Don't really need them anymore, and I'm trying to get rid of the ones with GP but average genes. Plus, I really need silver!

None of the custom skin or deviants are for sale, and some of them I'm not sure I want to sell for sure, but feel free to make offers and maybe you'll convince me :)

Here's the group!

I'm looking mostly for silver, but I'll take item trades as well (I will trade almost any of them for crystalline ice e.e though I really need portal energy cells as well). I'm also in need of a lykos with ice breath and ice aura. Other pets I'll consider but I'm not really all that interested.

PM me or post here if you're interested in any! Both are fine.

Hey everyone!