Posted at 2015-11-30 20:53:10 — Link
So yes I breed rabbits in real life :).
I breed Lilacs, which here in the US have a few genetic problems and tend to be aloof but are fun rabbits to interact with non-theless. I'm having a problem with size right now as the last breeding animal from my lines (which I tried to breed to be on the big side) died very suddenly and the replacement buck for my two does is a wee little thing >.<
My sister breeds Rhinelanders and they are fun to watch move up and down the table. She recently aquired one from California (we live in the Midwest) and his temperment is very different from her others. He just wants to snuggle, the others want to run or play favorites with the humans (her best animal loves to scratch at people but doesn't fight my sister, while the sister to her best doe hates my sister).
So are their any other rabbit breeders or rabbit lovers around?