Posted at 2015-11-28 17:17:44 — Link
This post is no longer relevant as of right now. I have the lykoses that I need.
I am looking for multiple female Lykoses that have Ice Breath*, do not have any genes (dominant or recessive) that can cause negative tactical maneuvers**, and do not have degeneration***. I will pay a minimum of 2100 Silver. If she has any green stats, Ice Spikes*, and/or Ice Aura*, I will pay more, however, these additional traits are not high priority for me.
*- I'm completely fine with both dominant and recessive genes.
**- These genes are Fragile Bones, Thin Skin, Weak Muscles, Dystrophy, Slow-Minded, Silly, Poor Hearing, Deaf, Faint-Hearted, and Clumsy Paws.
***- Degeneration is shown as 1-3 red stars.
As an added bonus, if you sell me a Lykos that matches my desctiption, you will get a 25% discount on the next stack of items you buy from me. [Item Store]