Posted at 2013-02-27 18:25:14 — Link
So, in the FAQ, I see you're not allowed to colour skins for other players;
And yet I keep seeing people asking about commissions.
So which is it? Are we allowed or not?
* Winter is coming *
Posted at 2013-02-27 18:25:14 — Link
So, in the FAQ, I see you're not allowed to colour skins for other players;
And yet I keep seeing people asking about commissions.
So which is it? Are we allowed or not?
* Winter is coming *
Posted at 2013-02-27 21:33:02 — Link
I'm pretty sure you aren't allowed to sell skins.
But, I have seen Fya (who is a Mod, so I'm assuming you're allowed to do this) offering to sell pets that already have the skins uploaded onto them
So you would take a commission to color a skin for a person, have them send you a Rainbow Jar and you upload the skin onto the pet (they can send you that too) and then sell them the pet.'s still selling them a skin but it's actually selling them a pet?
Here's the thread where Fya is doing it ^, so I'm assuming that's what we're allowed to do o.o.
Kita from #3988 on Aywas.
Posted at 2013-02-28 15:15:18 — Link
Kita, you're right, thanks for answering here. This is the mechanism which allows not to mess up with the establishing of the real skin author.
Posted at 2013-02-28 15:25:55 — Link
Awesome, thanks. I'll keep that way-around in mind then!
* Winter is coming *