Posted at 2015-11-13 22:56:13 — Link
i need A Lot of rainbow jars. plz, if you can spare some, i need them. thx.
Posted at 2015-11-13 22:56:13 — Link
i need A Lot of rainbow jars. plz, if you can spare some, i need them. thx.
Posted at 2015-11-17 19:44:18 — Link
Hello FantastyQueen!
I just wanted to let you know that you post may violate the rules. It could be misconstrued as begging. The "Wanted Ads" are for people seeking items, pets, and etc. Generally they also offer something in return. It doesn't seem like you are offering any form of payment to buy the rainbow jars, it seems like you are begging, for a great many of them. People work hard for their items, especially rainbow jars, begging for them will likely not garnish any results.
Also, Chatspeak (pls and thx) are not allowed on the site. Please spell out words
I would also ask that you familiarize yourself with the forum rules: Failure to follow them in the future could result in warning. This is an informal warning.
Thank you
-A Moderator Message
Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls
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