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  • Uni101
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  • Posts: 84

Posted at 2015-10-25 01:02:58 — Link

I have a great idea for a new animal! It is called an Ogopogo (ho-go-po-go) I know it sounds funny, but according to legend, this creture was one of the most dangerst of all time. It lives in a lake in Great Britin and is like a mix of a dragon and the loch ness monster. it has teeth bigger then a t-rex's and a big horn coming out of the back of it's head. It's most comen coluor is green with tan bumps and is about 50 feet long and is tecneckly a lake serpent. It also has a huge horse like head. It has been seen ever seens Eurupians setald there. I think BK needs a new animal becuase:

  1. BK only has 8 animals (I didn't cound kamis because there so rare)
  2. it's alwas nice to have somethig new!
  3. it would be cool to have a new animal to talk about
  4. it's a great legend!




photos of Ogopogo:












ogopogo legend (diff. legends from diff. wedsites):

first leged:Before European settlers came to the Okanagan Valley, the First Nations spoke of “N’ha-a-itk”, a fierce lake monster that resided at Squally Point, 20 kilometres south of the city of Kelowna. In 1924, a little song was composed about the lake monster who was given the name, “Ogopogo”.

Over the generations, the legend gained credibility as more and more sightings were reported.

Descriptions vary, but certain characteristics have been repeated through the decades: Ogopogo is green with a snakelike body about 25 meters long.  Some say its head looks like a horse, while others say that it’s reptilian or goat-like.  Many even claim to have photographed Ogopogo. The pictures have always been inconclusive.

Look for our resident lake creature among the waves or simply visit the Ogopogo statue in City. This was from

secend legend:

Ogopogo or Naitaka (Salish: n'ha-a-itk, "lake demon") is the name given to a cryptid lake monster reported to live in Okanagan Lake, in British Columbia, Canada. Ogopogo has been allegedly seen by First Nations people since the 19th century. The most common description of Ogopogo is a 40 to 50-foot-long (12 to 15 m) sea serpent. Lake monster investigator Benjamin Radford notes “however, that these First Nations stories were not referring to a literal lake monster like Ogopogo, but instead to a legendary water spirit. The supernatural N’ha-a-itk of the Okanagan Valley Indians is long gone.”[1]

British cryptozoologist Karl Shuker has categorized the Ogopogo as a 'many hump' variety of lake monster, and suggested it may be a kind of primitive serpentine whale such as Basilosaurus. However, because the physical evidence for the beast is limited to unclear photographs and film, it has also been suggested that the sightings are misidentifications of common animals, such as otters, and inanimate objects, such as floating logs.[2] this was from

photos from


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  • Lytala
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Posted at 2015-10-26 20:34:42 — Link

If you're going to suggest a new species you need come up with what kind of abilities and genetics it will have, not just a name and what it looks like.

Breeder of trash deviants

  • ahuskydog15
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  • Posts: 68

Posted at 2015-10-31 21:45:13 — Link

Plus everyone here knows the monster was just bubbles from the rift vally

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