Posted at 2015-10-01 21:09:21 — Link

There is an awesome pc game in need of crowdfunding to be made and since I don't have money to help out, I was hoping that I could contribute in some way.  Would you guys be interested in a little game? If you put money toward the crowdfund I draw for you a <a href="">Lineart to full color digital</a> per $1 to $10? Just asking if anyone would be interested in that? If not, have any idea as to what would a better prize?


Here is the page with all the info on both game and its crowdfund (including character bios, how the music will be done, and rewards): <b><a href="">Click</a><a></a></b>


For art, click my referral link so I can keep track: <a href="">Refer Me!</a> 


$1 gets you a flat color headshot tag or a fullbody lineart


$3 gets you 3 flat color headshots, 3 fullbody linearts, or a flat color fullbody tag


$5 gets 5 flat color headshots, 5 fullbody linearts, 2 flat color fullbody tags or 1 shaded and colored fullbody tag


$10 *No Color* Basic animation 


This ends when the the Crowdfund is over.