Posted at 2013-02-26 22:08:34 — Link
I swear I need to cut their loans in half for what they do >_>
Feb 26, 2013 22:04:03 |
Your catcher saw how a Puma came from the Creek to Big Field.
Your Mammal catcher failed to catch a Puma at the Big Field.
Your catcher saw how a Unicorn came from the Magic Glade to Waterfall.
Your catcher saw how a Gryphon flew from the Big Field to Waterfall.
Your Bird catcher found Unicorn at the Waterfall. Fortunately, the animal didn't notice him.
Your Bird catcher failed to catch a Gryphon at the Waterfall. You don't have free space in your stables!
There's no one at Creek.
I have 7 free spaces waiting to get filled so give me my gryphon you #+"§$%§. Urrghhh anyway this sounds highly dubious as I still have 7 free spaces so I'm reporting this.