Posted at 2015-09-19 00:21:25 — Link

This short story is going to be based on one of the good books I've read, It's raining Cupcakes. The main character is Jennifer(Jen) Elis, brownie baker.

Characters (Age and names)

Jennifer Elis (15)

Cynthia Elis (16)

Eliza Elis (10)

Andrew Elis (Dad) (43)

Arabelle Elis (Mom) (44)

Alan Hills (15)

Mara Hills (14)

Lauretta Bensnodle (13)

Jenna Greensburg (10)

Timothy Greensburg (9)

Kayla Evans (11)

3 Judges (Susan, Hayden, Ryan) (50, 45, 47)

Ida Farnabes (12)

Jennifer paced around the kitchen. “Why! Why! Why!” She yelled. “Jennifer Elis, be quiet NOW.” She heard from the other room. “Cynthia, you know I can’t stop, I can’t even find a pan!!!” Jennifer heard Cynthia march up the stairs. “Jeez, what’s with her today?” she thought.