Boards < Bugs & Suggestions < Bugs < Cant see list of custum skins


  • Braveheart1616
  • User
  • Posts: 103

Posted at 2015-08-07 18:59:32 — Link

so i havent beeb on in a little bit but i was trying to see if there where any new custom skins. So i clicked on the tab and nothing showed up, just the sign that said beastkeeper and the information about you active pets etc. There was also my tab bar (pets,community,etc.) i was wondering if this has happened to anyone before 


ohauna means family, and no family gets left behind- lilo and stich

  • Saccharissa
  • User
  • Posts: 93

Posted at 2015-08-07 19:29:05 — Link

Did you try to reload the page? It sounds like for whatever reason the page failed to fully load just then.

"You are all made of stars."

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2015-08-08 12:29:23 — Link

You need to have an active pet to view the list of custom skins. You will be able to switch the species when page is loaded, but initially the it tries to load the list of skins for the active species.

  • Braveheart1616
  • User
  • Posts: 103

Posted at 2015-08-27 17:01:30 — Link

Oh, thanks for responding. I was off the game for a little while and como,eatly forgot about the active pet. 

ohauna means family, and no family gets left behind- lilo and stich

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