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  • 4everHallie
  • User
  • Posts: 37

Posted at 2013-02-26 06:05:38 — Link

So I was so happy today, i was finally able to craft a lvl1 riding hole. I have to say I am very depressed about it.  It take 4 hours to train one level, and it only dose one level at a time. Not only that but it cost anywhere from like 100silver-2000silver depending on the pets lvl to train. I think this is very unreasonable.

I purpose either:

A) No silver cost for training.

B) price is constant per level, (like 300 silver) and training time for the one level is reduced to under an hour.

C) price goses up, time gose up, but all the levels that the ridinghole offers is giving at one time.


please if you support say which you like ^^

HI! Looking for: Gyrphons, STONE, WOOD, and cash XD Have: baby pumas, baby dragon, and baby roc.

  • Hilary
  • User
  • Posts: 30

Posted at 2013-02-26 09:19:30 — Link

I think it should definitely cost silver, so no support for that. It should also take time--four hours sound reasonable to me, as in-game that's equivalent to one week.

I do, however, support the idea of training multiple levels at once on the same pet, for cost of silver*level, and hours*level, or maybe level+1, 2, etc.

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