Posted at 2015-06-02 08:31:33 — Link
Posted at 2015-06-03 22:54:21 — Link
The beasts in my Dungeon Tab are for free
Posted at 2015-06-05 08:56:09 — Link
Pfft... famous like Nightingale? I admit I got a bit of a giggle out of that. She's just a normal user, like the rest of us, and I say that with the utmost respect for her. While it's nice to have something to aspire for I think that's a bit of false advertisement for your group. Having a Black Symurgh won't make you a success. Nightingale was one of the very first BK users and she's gotten to where she is with hard work and dedication. She's put a lot of time and effort into the game and it shows. It's nice to have approachable staff members like her around for assistance but really once you get to talking to her the moderator status doesn't mean anything. Honestly, she's a bit of a nerd (Nightingale, if you're reading this you know I love you XD).
Ahem, now, as for your group, I just thought you might be interested in seeing how the Symurgh colors really play out as far as their rarity goes. These numbers were found with the search parameters of "Symurgh, only dominant, and then each of the colors in turn," which means it excludes unresearched Symurghs but should provide a pretty good idea of how many of each there are.
Symurgh colors::
White = 2348
Red = 1027
Gray = 1530
Blue = 938
Brown = 926
Black = 704
Black is the rarest, but relatively speaking, seeing as mass breedings are a possibility on a site like BK, they aren't too uncommon. This is even more so the case with Symurghs whose females can have twins if they have a dominant Fertility gene. If someone were to focus primarily on the breeding of Black Symurghs they could soon be in abundance.
Posted at 2015-06-06 00:52:09 — Link does that reply have anything to do with my post? There is no butting heads involved, and there is nothing to be on the contrary about, as none of what you said has anything to do with my reply XD I never once said anything negative about your group and I especially didn't mention anything about friends and family, unless my bit about speaking of Nightingale counts as talking about friends. I was simply saying how having the mentioning of Nightingale here is a bit of false advertisement, and it still is even though you changed it a little, and I was showing you the numbers. Seeing as the group is to breed Black Symurghs I thought you'd be interested in seeing how they compare to the other colors.
And so we're clear, people don't look up to Nightingale because of her Black Symurghs. I think you completely missed the point there. She's become a figurehead in the BK community because of who she is and through her willingness to assist others. She's just a nice person (totally not sucking up to you Nightingale, really). Having certain pets, even Kami, can be cool, but that shouldn't be what makes you look up to someone. I didn't think of Nightingale as a chump until I saw her Symurghs after all and then suddenly develop a newfound respect for her; I just still think of her as a chump :P (again, Nightingale, you know I love you XD).
Getting together and creating a close-knit community is in no way a bad idea. I love BK's forums since there are active users within it and seeing what everyone is up to helps me feel connected to the site in a way that focussing just on my own projects couldn't. Everyone goes about things in their own way here and there are lots of people around willing to lend a hand if users need help. If your group is about that, then great.
Although, on the topic of helping and lending a hand, I was a bit concerned about your rule "You will have to give Mutagens, Change Sex Scrolls & breeds that cost 5 silver to the people who need them." You will have to? As in, if you told them to give you a Change Sex and they didn't you'd kick them from the group? That doesn't sound much like a family atmosphere to me.
Posted at 2015-06-06 04:26:02 — Link
About Nightingale? Gladly. We don't need to discuss her any more. She'll get an even bigger ego as it is and uninflating it is such a hassle XD
The rest of it though, I'd like to continue, if you don't mind humoring me. You did invite me to join the group after all so I'd want to know what I'd be getting into should I decide to "register" my Black Symurghs. Would I really be obligated to just give you my items should you want them? I'd be more willing to make a deal and perhaps offer a group discount that just give them for free. Change Sexes aren't exactly the easiest things to come by. As for Mutagen, well, don't you think that's a bit risky? It could end up mutatating the Black gene and completely ruin the pet.
Your group actually inspired me to start a new project with my Symurghs! It's called "Project Overpopulate" and in it I will be breeding my 4 new female Symurghs, all with the Fertility gene and homozygous Black, every day to get more Black Symurghs. I'll keep their daughters so I can breed even more of them and sell the males cheap on the market or maybe even send them to the pound so people who find them there can get them for free. Isn't that exciting? It won't be long until I can make it so that Black Symurghs are available for everyone! They'll be a whole army of them. With enough time I can even breed enough of them to make Black the most common color in the game!
Posted at 2015-06-06 05:31:08 — Link
No no no, you see, it wouldn't ruin it at all! It's an improvement and I'm just doing it to help. Don't you see? After all, the purpose of this group is to "expand the color a little." I'm helping with that goal. My mass breedings will make it so I can sell Black Symurghs to others who may want to be a part of your group and family but can't because they don't have Black Symurghs. Even you could buy some, since you seem to like them a lot. I could even give you one as a gift of good will!
It isn't about the beasts after all, or how many or few there are, but about the people. I can help spread more Symurghs to the people this way, which will be like spreading the love.
Looked up to? Me? That's about as crazy as calling moderators human XD People, yes, but not human... I've recently discovered they're made of mashed potatoes, and you know, we shouldn't be judgmental about that. Potatoes can be people too.
Posted at 2015-06-06 20:05:51 — Link
I'm sorry about stalking this conversation but, oh boy, did I have a great read! Sylvii, you are one of the funniest people I've ever known :D
Now excuse me, I have to go again. My shoe says, my people need me :D